Monday, 24 October 2011

24 OCT 11 -- Overhead Press

The deload was good rest and now I am ready for some more fun.

Overhead press training max went up to 255 lbs and it's 3 x 5 day, the beginning of a new wave...I think?

Warm up sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
130 x 5
155 x 3

Working sets

165 x 5
190 x 5
215 x 4

Yep, 4 reps where the requisite number was 5 reps. I'll get back to this in a moment.

Push press

220 x 1
225 x 1
230 x 2
235 x 1

Assistance work

Military press 135 x 5 x 10
Chin ups BW x 12, 45 lbs x 3, 50 x 3, 55 x 3
Dips BW x 20

That was a wrap. As per Wendler's advice, I'm sticking with just requisite assistance work.

Now, as for not meeting requisite number on my last working set, I have decided to calculate a new working max:

215 x 4 x 0.0333 + 215 = 243.64 or 245

245 x 90% =  220.5 or 220 lbs

So, next week, or next cycle, whichever comes first, I will use 220 lbs for my training max and do the 3 x 3 workout with that number.  To paraphrase Wendler, a step backwards and three forward. The extra reps will do me good anyways.  For some reason, I am having difficulty with the overhead, but as this program goes, start light and let things snowball as you go along. For the 3 x 3 workout, my last set will be 200 lbs or 90% of the new training max. I hope it's a good one!

By the way, here's an incredible melody from Gjallarhorn. I like Nordic folk music, and this one has an ethereal sound which really transports my mind. I've never been to any Scandinavian countries, but the forest and landscape scenery in this video and in others resembles parts of  northern Ontario.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

22 OCT 11 -- Deload Part Deux

Second part of the deload lifts this morning.


135 x 5
210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 5

Bench Press

45 x 25
140 x 5
180 x 5
215 x 5

That was a wrap. No assistance work, no running or elliptical.  I'm looking forward to the next wave and am letting my body take its rest in preparation for it. This deload was very restful mentally as well, and I feel refreshed and ready to start again.

On a different topic, the deer hunt is coming up fast. I still have a little bit of venison left over from last year's hunt and will have to cook it up this weekend sometime. I used to bowhunt in the late nineties, and would like to get back into it someday, but nowadays I just go with the shotgun hunt.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

20 OCT 11 -- Deload Workout 1

I'm splitting the deload into two parts for the lifts. Today was overhead press and dead lifting combined.

Overhead Sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
150 x 5

Dead Lift

215 x 5
270 x 5
325 x 5

I finished with cardio --> 20 minute on the elliptical using the hills program.

It's a good thing it's a deload week...I'm learning a new job at work and there's lots of climbing and stairs. A good workout while on the job.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

16 OCT 11 -- A Long Overdue Deload

It's been quite a while, several waves in fact, since I've observed a deload. According to the format which Jim Wendler lays out in his original 5/3/1 program, the deload follows at the end of every wave, allowing the joints and nervous system some recovery time. At my age, I definitely should not be missing the deload weeks. This week, I'll be going with the deload template, staying under 60% for my final sets, and catching up on stretching, rest and extra cardio. I'll post the deload workouts on the blog anyways if anyone's interested.

I thought I would also post an update on my supplementation. In an earlier post, I wrote of the supplements I was using at the time, which were basically Kaizen brand creatine monohydrate and a pre-workout drink blend called Black Powder:

A Day of Rest and Some Supplement Info

I still plan on continuing with Kaizen's creatine product. It's good stuff and is very reasonably priced. I no longer use Black Powder. It was effective, but I found another pre-workout product that was better priced (at least in my gym) and that gets the job done for me. It's called Wired and is made by PhD:

PhD Wired

I like to mix a couple scoops with water and take a few gulps just before I hit my working sets.

Another supplement which I take is ZMA, which is basically a zinc and magnesium complex. I currently use the capsules marketed by Optimum Nutrition.

Optimum's ZMA

I've read the reports on the studies which concluded that ZMA increased strength in football players. Charles Poliquin, the strength and fitness guru, writes glowingly about the benefits of ZMA as well, citing how many strength athletes become deficient in these minerals due to their intense workouts. Personally, I enjoy the sleep benefits of this complex. If taken before bed, you get some very intense, lucid dreams from it.

Other than that, I just try to eat right. My wife is a great cook, and believe it or not, I love cooking too and we often take turns doing up dinners during the week. My weaknesses are two: beer and chocolate. I'm not into liquor, but beer has always been my favourite beverage (well, coffee comes in a close second!). I love the suds, probably because of my Germanic background, but I take consolation in the fact that it has at least some nutrition in it. Apparently, Mariusz Pudzianowski, the famed Polish strongman is also a lover of chocolate and according to one interview with him which I have read, eats quite a bit of the stuff during the day.

Eat right, train hard and make sure you enjoy life.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

15 OCT 11 -- Squat, squat, squat...

Squat training max is 530, and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

400 x 5
450 x 3
505 x 1

Wendler advises to keep the last set at a minimum number of reps to accomodate the squat cycle which he introduced in this article:

Big, Boring, and Really Sore

Last week, I started with the second part of the cycle, training with 50% of my max for 5 x 12. This week, I went with the third part of the cycle, and I'm telling you, it's one friggin' hard workout.

265 lbs for 4 x 15
245 for 1 x 15

I had to reduce the weight by 20 lbs for the last set. Wendler's further recommendation is to stay with the same weight for all the sets, but I doubt I would have been able to get 15 reps on the last set with 265 (at least without puking), so I knocked it down 20 pounds, which still kept me within the 30-50% range he lays out for the cycle. This workout is brutal and sucked the wind right out of my sails.

Friday, 14 October 2011

14 OCT 11 -- Raindrops Keep Falling...

Bench press training max is 355 lbs and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
180 x 5
215 x 3

Working sets

265 x 5
300 x 3
340 x 4

I had set my goal for 5 reps for the last set, but there were at least three mitigating factors which probably resulted in my getting only 4 reps:

a. Not enough sleep the previous night ( 5 hours).
b. An incredibly busy day at work (7-3 shift).
c. A spotter, who despite the good-hearted gesture of "being there" for me, still pelted my face with drops of his sweat as he decided to lean over me....yuck....

I was primed and ready for a hard 5 reps, but as soon as the rain commenced, it sufficiently threw off my concentration, lol. Oh well, the next workout will be better. At least I had a spotter.

Assistance work was kept brief and to the point.

Close-grip bench press in strip sets:

225 x 2 x 10
220 x 10
215 x 10
205 x 10

One-arm dumbbell rows (each side)

105 x 15
120 x 3 x 10

I concluded with dips.

Bodyweight x 20
25 lbs x 6, 7
35 x 5

I'll make sure I get enough rest tonight so I can go hard on tomorrow's squat session.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

12 OCT 11 -- Playing With 515

5/3/1 day for the dead lift and the training max is 540 lbs.

Warm up sets

215 x 5
270 x 5
325 x 3

Working sets

405 x 5
460 x 3
515 x 5

I was hoping to get 6 on the final set, but I had a hectic day at work, burning my neck, and actually wasn't too energized to begin the workout. Still, 515 for 5 isn't disappointing at all.

Assistance work tonight was light and brief.

Barbell shrugs

315 x 20
325 x 2 x 10

Chin ups with bodyweight capped the session: 10, 10, 8, 6

Upon the conclusion of all that, I left the gym on a good note! Tomorrow, it's either a day of rest, or some hill sprints. Depending on how my day goes at work will be the determining factor.

Have yourself a good evening! :)

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

11 OCT 11 -- This One Was For Crom

It's a good thing that I'm not a professional blogger, as I would be a poor man. Creative titles for these entries are more than elusive, but this one was inspired by what Jim wrote the other day over at his blog: "Lift for Crom, crush your limitations and see them driven before you," just as Conan would do. I did just that today.

Overhead training max is at, yes it's still there, 250 lbs. 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
150 x 3

The warm up weights felt like air. After those sets were completed, I knew this was going to be a good one, so I cranked up the MP3 player a notch and set it for one of my favourite stacks, Tool.

Working sets

190 x 5
215 x 3
240 x 1

Yep, a nice big one. Hallelujah! You're a strong dude reading this and probably smirking at the feeble weight hoisted, but for me, this was a superb lift. I met the requisite for today, completing all of the 5/3/1 sets and with no disappointments. I can move up 5 lbs for the next wave. Admittedly, it wasn't a pretty overhead press, not picture perfect, but it went up, the limitation being crushed. Crom sat upon his throne laughing.

I am taking Wendler's advice, and will be keeping the assistance work scaled back while I go through the Wendler-Podda squat cycle (I don't know if it's called that, but I 'll be referring to it as such) over the next several weeks. He suggests removing the dead lift during the cycle, but I'm going to do it anyways. I'll keep my other work scaled to compensate.

Military press

145 x 10
150 x 10, 10, 10, 8 (on the last set I was steamed from not enough rest from the previous set)

Chin ups were 14 x bodyweight, 45 x 3, and a final 50 x 3.

No vids today, sorry, as I was by myself at the gym. There might not be anymore this week, but if I get a chance, I'll throw some on my channel and post them here. I'm a little hesitant putting some of these vids up on Youtube as I don't want to come across as a show-off, but rather to share my personal progress and compare my training with others doing the same program. If someone doesn't like that, then just don't watch. I'm serious about my training, as are others, and in the internet age, long-distance training comparisons are the norm. It's not about egocentricity, but rather passion for hard training and strength gains.

Monday, 10 October 2011

10 OCT 11 -- Conditioning

It's Canadian thanksgiving today (ours is a month earlier than the American thanksgiving, being on the second Monday of October), and my gym is closed therefore for the holiday. Decided to hit the hills again this morning, and did 4 hill sprints.

Tomorrow, it's back to overhead pressing. Wish me luck!

Saturday, 8 October 2011

08 OCT 11 -- Hills !

Woke up this morning, through no fault of my own, with the dog pulling the blanket off the bed. Then he went for the pillows. Next, it was his ice-cold nose burying itself in my face. I could tell he wanted me to get my lazy ass out of that bed.

Just some conditioning this morning. 4 times up and down on the country hill. The air's crisp and fresh this morning, and the leaves are still in their autumn array. A perfect morning for hill sprints.

Friday, 7 October 2011

07 OCT 11 -- Go Deeper!

Hit the squat today. Training max is 530 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 in the wave.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

425 x 3
450 x 3
475 x 4

I was not overly happy with the last set. My depth wasn't low enough, and I think it may have been because I didn't get full rest from the previous set. My wife was filming the squat, and we were trying to figure out the best angle to film it from. I jumped into the rack too soon.

Assistance work today was based on the article which was posted on Jim's blog at  The blog entry is linked to another article which Jim published at

Boring But Big...And Really Sore

Since I've been doing the 5 x 10 squat assistance all along, I started at Cycle 2 --> 5 x 12 at 50%. That is, 5 x 12 at 265 lbs. Also, I made sure that I went ass to the grass on these squats. Plain and simple, but those extra two reps added at the end of each set are very taxing not only on the legs, but also the lungs and heart. It's a great pump. I can hardly wait till next week when I add three more reps each set for 5 x 15. I'll have to park the car closer to the gym for that workout, lol.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

06 OCT 11 -- Bench Press 320 x 7

Bench press Thursday, 3 x 3 and the training max is 355 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
180 x 5
215 x 3

Working sets

285 x 3
300 x 3
320 x 7

I had set my goal for today at 8 reps, a bit unrealistic perhaps, but got a nice 7 reps on it. Here's the vid of today's final set:

Assistance work was kept basic and short today.

Close-grip bench press

225 x 10
215 x 3 x 10
205 x 10

One arm dumbbell row was 105 lbs x 5 x 10 each side.
I concluded with dips, doing bodyweight for 2 x 10 and then 25 lbs added for 2 x 6. I haven't done dips for a little while, so it was important to get a few sets in at the end today.

Stay tuned for squats tomorrow! I'm off to watch my kid play some grade 10 football. He's a big kid for his age, over 6 feet and is already starting to bulk up.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

05 OCT 11 -- An Article from the Man!

I'm taking today off from training. Tomorrow, I hit the bench, hit it hard and take no prisoners, lol. I just read this article that my professor has written, Mr. Jim Wendler, and am feeling inspired by it. It was posted over at and as far as it goes for me, is nothing short of the truth and counts as something that should be printed off, laminated, and stuffed into a gym bag to be read before every training session.

Here it is:

Time to Man Up

Read, contemplate, put into action....

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

04 OCT 11 -- Dead Lift !

Things weren't so dead today on the lifting. This was a good workout.

Dead lift training max 540 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 day.

Warm up sets

Power clean 135 x 5

Dead lift
215 x 5
270 x 5
325 x 3

Working sets

430 x 3
460 x 3
485 x 8

Considering that I had absolutely no drive at the beginning of the workout, this was a very good set.

Assistance work

Barbell shrugs 315 x 30, 335 x 10

Dumbbell shrugs 120 dumbbells for an alternating 20 reps, then 10 together.

Chin ups

Bodyweight x 13
35 lbs x 4
45 x 3
50 x 3

I was feeling a little phased out, so I concluded with alternating dumbbell curls using the 45 pounders for 3 x 16.

Monday, 3 October 2011

03 OCT 11 -- A Nice Surprise

I've been posting about the difficulties I've been having with the overhead press. How it is actually going backwards instead of forward. Today, during my 3 x 3 workout, I was able to meet the requisite reps on my last set. The first rep on that set almost didn't make it up, but the next two went up no problem. Here's the summary of that workout. By the way, training max is 250 lbs:

Warm up sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
150 x 3

Working sets

200 x 3
215 x 3
225 x 3

I decided to do two strip sets after the max set, doing one set at 85% and then one at 80%.

215 x 3
200 x 3

I went down to 135 lbs and did 3 x 10 of military press, then added one-arm dumbbell press for 3 x 10 each side with 50 lbs.

That was a wrap, and I decided not to overdo it today with any extra assistance. I've been wondering if I have been overtraining the overhead press. That could cause it to go backwards. If anyone knowledgeable out there has any advice, just drop a comment. I don't bite, lol!

See you tomorrow for 3 x 3 dead lifting.

Friday, 30 September 2011

30 SEP 11 -- Squat Your Way to Success

I'm running out of titles for my blog entries, lol. Please excuse the nutty title for today's post.

Squat moves up 10 lbs for a new training max of 530 lbs and today is 3 x 5 in the wave.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

345 x 5
400 x 5
450 x 5

As I've been doing this part of the wave, I'm just sticking with the requisite reps on the last set. The last set was form-focused and I made sure to go as deep as I could. After the last set, I actually didn't feel like doing anymore. A co-worker of mine was in the gym this morning, and we chatted a bit before my workout, something which may have thrown me off a bit. Regardless, I continued on with the workout, doing the assistance work.

Squat 265 lbs for 5 x 10.

Front squat

135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

The front squat is moving ahead slowly, as I am experimenting with what I am capable of doing. The last set was heavier than last week, twenty pounds more, and it still felt good. Keeping the bar tight, and looking up to the point on the ceiling is helping my form, and I was able to go really deep on these. It seems somewhat odd, however, in that I am doing much less on a squat than what I would be doing on movement such as bench press.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

29 SEP 11 -- Vacation Benching

If you're wondering why I am only posting today, it's because I was on vacation in northern Ontario with my wife. We just got back yesterday from a nice little trip of canoeing and hiking in Algonquin Park. It was beautiful, the leaves on the maple trees were blazing red, and there's nothing like all that fresh autumn air to revive one's soul. The kids were babysat by my parents. Time away as a couple is good for the marriage.

Today, I hit the bench for a 3 x 5 session, using the new training max of 355 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
180 x 5
215 x 3

Working sets

230 x 5
265 x 5
300 x 7

I was planning on just staying with the requisite 5 reps, as per Wendler's advice, but I couldn't help myself adding an extra two reps, just for the hell of it.

Assistance work:

Close-grip bench press in strip fashion

230 x 2 x 10
225 x 8 (I lost steam, lol)
215 x 10
210 x 10

One arm dumbbell row with 120 lbs for 3 x 10 each side.
Cable row 150 lbs for 3 x 15

That was a wrap, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's squat session. Thanks for tuning in and see you tomorrow!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

The Hills are Alive !

I never got around to getting those hill sprints done the other day. So, when I woke up this morning, I thought that there's no better time than now to get them in. It was a good decision, not only because they need to be worked on, but also because of the beautiful autumn day.

The hill I use for the sprints is out in the countryside, on the outskirts of the town I live in. It is a very long, steep hill that can be used for distance increments. I like to park the car at the bottom, do a little stretching, then start with a warm up run on the hill. The next several sprints are done all-out. Today, since I haven't done these in a while, I kept it at four sprints. The distance for each sprint is about 80 yards. It was a good workout and a nice start for my plan to reincorporate these into my training.

As mentioned, it's a beautiful day here, the leaves have changed colour, the air is nice and cool and a wonderful breeze is blowing. Along the edge of the dirt road on the hill, there are plenty of walnut trees and bush and once you arrive at the top of the hill, you can see for miles over the valley. I am very grateful to live where I do.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

24 SEP 11 -- Investing in the Dead

It's a beautiful day, sunny and cool, and there's no better way to start that day than to hit the gym for a good dead lift workout. Today's workout is 3 x 5 and the dead lift training max bumps up to 540 lbs.

Warm up sets

215 x 5
270 x 5
325 x 3

Working sets

350 x 5
405 x 5
460 x 5

Again, I am utilizing Wendler's suggestion of remaining with just 5 reps for the last set on 3 x 5 week. The weight felt light and I think I could have easily done another 5.

Assistance work for the day began with shrugs.

315 x 20
335 x 8
355 x 5
225 x 30

Chin ups

Bodyweight x 15
25 lbs x 6
35 x 5

I was going to do some power cleans, but ended up doing a set of 5 hang cleans with 135 lbs. Looking at the clock, I realized it was time to go back to the house and get myself changed and ready so I could pick up my wife at work. Today's workout was a lot better than yesterday's, and hitting 15 bodyweight chin ups is a further step towards my year end goal of 20 at bodyweight. I find it interesting how some training days can be great, others average, and then there are the absolutely shitty ones which periodically rear their ugly heads.

I have been assessing the past several weeks, and as much as I don't want to, I may have to recalculate my training max for the overhead press and start with a new number. This is Wendler's remedy for when the reps stall. At the same time, taking a deload week may improve the situation too. Perhaps this is the most important dimension of the problem. As stated previously, I've been avoiding the deloads, being overly eager for progress, yet the deload is a key component of the program. I will go through this wave and once completed, take a whole deload week. During that deload, I'll focus more on cardio. I'm going to use 250 lbs for the 3 x 3 session and see where I am at. If I fail with the last set, then I will definitely recalculate.

Friday, 23 September 2011

23 SEP 11 -- An Unholy Trinity

I should be on a week-long deload after last week's 5/3/1, but I decided to take just a couple days off and then hit a new wave. After today's letdown, I think the deload may have been more necessary than I surmised. I've been avoiding the deload weeks for a long time, and if I'm going to follow Wendler's program as it is laid out, I had better start deloading when it's called for.

Overhead press 3 x 5 and the new training max is 250 lbs. Here we go:

Warm up sets (with cleans)

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
150 x 3

Working sets

165 x 5
190 x 5
215 x 3

Yep, that does piss me off. I was supposed to hit at least 5 reps for this last set, but lost drive at 3. Everything was tight, but at 3 reps, I just lost focus. There could be several reasons for this, the first one being that the deload should have been a priority, but I know that this morning when I woke up, my left shoulder was stiff from sleeping on that side. Also, I've had something on my mind for the last couple of days and it sort of predominated my thoughts during the workout. I'm not going to expand on it here, but it's bothering me to say the least. Like I said in my first blog entry, "ups and downs in training and in life". End of rant.

I made the decision to go back for some extra sets on the overhead press to make up for the lost reps on my final set. I went in strip fashion:

190 x 5
185 x 5
175 x 5
165 x 5

Press behind neck with the barbell:

125 x 2 x 8
130 x 8
135 x 8

One arm dumbbell press (each side):

40 x 15
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10
85 x 5

No chin ups or dips today. I had to get some important errands done. Apart from the two lost reps, it was a good workout and I trained as hard as I could. Last week was very good, so it stands that a bad workout will have to make it's way in at some point. That's just the way it is.

The Kinks:

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

20 SEP 11 -- Seconds at the Squat Smorgasbord

I love buffets! Whether it be a Chinese buffet, all you can eat, or a nice roast beef smorgasbord or seafood buffet, I like hitting it. And hitting it hard...

Today was another round at the squat buffet. Lots of squats, lots of leg work. It's 5/3/1 day in the wave, and the training max is 520 lbs.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

390 x 5
440 x 3
495 x 2

I think I might have been able to get a third rep on the last set, but decided to keep it at that. It was a good set, I felt confident with the weight, and it was very cool to see the bar do a jiggle at the top, lol!

Assistance work was very basic today: 260 lbs squats for 5 x 10

I spent time again with the front squat.

135 x 10
175 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5

I still am having difficulty with my wrist flexibility, so these were all cross-armed front squats. Looking at Youtube vids of other strongmen doing front squats, I noticed a lot of them are doing them cross-armed, and with quite a bit of weight on the bar too. I will keep trying to get those wrists bent back. In the meantime, my form felt better on these front squats in the cross-armed position and I found that by focusing my gaze on a point close to the ceiling, the movement felt very balanced and was not uncomfortable.

No overhead squats today. I had to get back to the house and get ready for the rest of the day. Tomorrow will be cardio, and as my fellow 5/3/1 devotee Gabe Malone is doing lots of, it will be hill sprints. Thanks for the inspiration, Gabe! Check out Gabe's blog here:

A Year on Wendler's 5/3/1

Monday, 19 September 2011

19 SEP 11 -- Health Clubs

In power lifting circles, health clubs get a bum rap, often disparaged as being unconducive to hardcore training. Perhaps some of them are. The club I am training at, however, has been nothing short of supportive of my training and goals. I will add, though, that it is a two-way street, whereby showing some respect for other non-powerlifting members has been one of my ethics.

During my workouts, I could easily let myself roar like a lion on a heavy squat or scream like a Viking berserker during a max dead lift, but I generally keep it bottled up to a low grunt, lol. Also, no slamming the weights on the floor, just in case someone falls off the treadmill in the cardio room. At the same time, I have always been encouraged by the words and support of my fit friends at the club, and for that, I am grateful. Different goals, different means to those goals from the way I am training, but mutual respect for each other. As well, the owners of the club have been very supportive and accomodating to my needs. I have noticed a positive energy when I train there and it is tangible.

Anyways, to get back to the subject on hand, today is 5/3/1 for the bench press and the training max is 350 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

265 x 5
300 x 3
335 x 5

The bench is still moving along.

Assistance work

Close-grip bench press done in strip fashion
225 x 10
220 x 10
215 x 10
210 x 2 x 10

Single dumbbell rows (each side)
100 x 10
115 x 2 x 10
120 x 10

Dips were bodyweight only today, as I was feeling a bit nauseated for some reason, and went as follows, 20, 10, 10, 10 for 50 total.

Face pulls 30 lbs x 10 (!), 50 x 2 x 10

I'm feeling better now. I don't know why I felt the nausea. Maybe it's morning sickness, lol :)

Saturday, 17 September 2011

17 SEP 11 -- Another Breakthrough

These last two workouts have been very good. Today, I was able to move to a new level on my dead lift. The training max is 530 lbs and it's 5/3/1 day in the wave.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

400 x 5
450 x 3
505 x 6

That's the most number of reps on any 500+ bar that I've ever done. No pauses or rest, just all-out effort. What a feeling! Progress.

Assistance work continued to focus on pulling.

Barbell shrugs
225 x 30, 25
315 x 15
335 x 8 (the grip was getting tired)

Power cleans
135 x 5
155 x 3
175 x 3
185 x 3
195 x 2
205 x 1 (again, tired)

Chin ups
BW x 12
25 lbs x 5
35 x 4

That was it for today's session. I was tired before I even hit the gym, and in fact, it was a friend`s phone call that got me out of bed this morning. Lazy, I know, but those 11-7 shifts can do it to you. I`ve been working these shifts for twenty-five years now, and they still take a toll on me.

Here`s a little bit of Beck for the day:

Friday, 16 September 2011

16 SEP 11 -- The Power of One

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Tolkienesque quotes aside, the number "one" has great significance. It is the first number, the beginning and the end of things. One living cell reproduces until an entire organic unit comes into being, and one living cell remains until it too dies and the organism goes out of living existence. One dollar can be the beginning of great investments, one bullet can put a plate of venison on the table for dinner, one proposal can create a marriage that results in children whose family line may last for thousands of years.

Tolkien knew the power of one, and the Ring Trilogy takes it as a theme, tying it also to the power of the will. Today's workout also has a theme, and it too centers on the number one.

Overhead press, 5/3/1 day and the training max is 245 lbs (yes, it's still there!).

Warm up sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets

185 x 5
210 x 3
235 x 1

My earlier digression into numerical significance is the result of a mental focus that I entered into prior to today's session. If you've been reading this log for the past several weeks, you will remember how I've been having difficulty maintaining my strength on the overhead press. I calculated today's percentage for the final set at 95% of the training max, and once rounded, it came out to 235 lbs, a weight which I knew would present a serious challenge, and possible failure, to my efforts on the overhead press. To obtain success on the last set, I mentally prepared for the lift for the entire time preceding entry into the gym, from the time I awoke from the post-sleep of last night's 11-7 shift right up until walking through the door to the gym. "Go for one...go for one..."

I focused on the lift, seeing it in my mind, visualizing it, all the while resolving on getting at least one good rep at that weight. The requisite number was one, and seeing the bar overhead, arms locked out, I could only help feeling total satisfaction, and relief, that the objective was met and that I am still ahead in the game. If you're a casual reader, someone who doesn't train the power lifts, you may not comprehend this, but for me, every workout is of crucial importance, and a new success after so many recent failures, a breakthrough to a new level, gives me the same feeling as a mountain climber who ascends to a new peak.

The assistance work for today continued on with overhead pressing. No chin ups, no dips, just overhead pressing. "If you want to press more, press more," was the theme.

Barbell military press 145 lbs for 5 x 10

One arm dumbbell press
40 lbs x 3 x 15 (each side)
50 x 10
55 x 8
60 x 6
65 x 6
70 x 5
75 x 5
85 x 5

That's a lot of extra work on the overhead press, but I want to keep training it, making sure I can keep up with the next wave which begins at 250 lbs.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

13 SEP 11 -- Squats and More Squats

It's 3 x 3 day for squatting and the training max is 520 lbs.

Warm up sets

Power clean 135 x 5
Squat 135 x 5
210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

415 x 3
440 x 3
470 x 4

I was feeling strong on all the sets. Working 11-7 shift again, I wasn't too sure how this session would go, but I had a good sleep and didn't hit the gym till the late afternoon, so the energy level was there.

Assistance work was more squats, doing 315 lbs for 5 x 10, taking as little rest between sets as possible. This was like a cardio session.

I concluded with front squats, again going light and focusing on form and mechanics. Once I get this movement down, then I will add more weight.

Sets of 5: 135, 145, 155, 165 and 175 lbs.

My wrist flexibility is very poor, and I find it difficult doing this exercise with the hands in the proper position, so I had to revert to crossed-arms. Don't fret, I'll keep practicing!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

11 SEP 11 -- Benching on a Sunday Afternoon

In days of old, men would spend their Sunday afternoons with their wives and children at church picnics, not sweating it out at gyms doing large numbers of bench presses. Which is precisely what I did today, being a modern man in avid pursuit of the elusive big bench.

Bench training max is 350 lbs and today is 3 x 3.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

280 x 3
300 x 3
315 x 7

I was hoping for at least 8 reps, having planned today's workout as an all-out effort on the last set, but this is what I ended up with. Sometimes, you can intend on doing your best only to get results which fall short, while other workouts can start with a complete lack of motivation and drive, then turn out to produce outstanding results, even personal records. I think that today was in the middle. I consider workouts like this to be investments which eventually pay off over time.

Assistance work was a little on the same note.

Close-grip bench press 225 x 10, 210 x 4 x 10

I worked on chin ups, but just didn't have the heart for it today.

Bodyweight x 10,
25 lbs x 5, 4
35 x 2

One arm dumbbell rows in sets of 10: 95 lbs, 100 lbs, 115 lbs each side

I worked on some flexibility for my wrists. The plan is to do front squats and power cleans, so I need to train my wrists to bend back more. I spent time with the bar in position at the top where a front squat would be, or a power clean upon completion, letting the bar stretch the wrist back. Tomorrow, if I can get down to the gym, front squats and power cleans will be on the agenda, so this stretching will help.

Friday, 9 September 2011

09 SEP 11 -- Cleanin' Up on a Dead Day

Dead lift training max is 530 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 day.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

425 x 3
450 x 3
480 x 6

I wanted to do more reps, but kept it in the hole today. Next week, it's going to be all out on my 95% set.

Barbell shrugs for assistance:

225 x 30
315 x 15
335 x 10
355 x 5

Power cleans was the next focus for today's workout. I started light for form's sake, then progressively increased the weight, working for explosiveness and speed.

135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1

I decided to superset wide-grip upright rows (where the hands are past the rings on the bar) and face pulls. This is what it looked like:

Wide-grip upright rows 135 x 3 x 10
Face pull 70 x 3 x 10

A lot of trap work today. No chin ups today, although I had planned to do them. I liked the way the workout went regardless. I'll hit the chins again on bench press day, which will be on Sunday. Tomorrow, I have a long trip starting in the morning. My oldest son bought himself a sailboat, his first one, and we are going to pick it up.

See you on Sunday, and enjoy your Saturday! Ciao !

Thursday, 8 September 2011

08 SEP 11 -- Return of the Overhead Press

Today, I made the decision to continue with the training max of 245 lbs for overhead press. It was the right decision as you will see.  3 x 3 day:

Warm up sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets

195 x 3
210 x 3
220 x 3

Happily, I was able to meet my requisite reps on my last set. I tried going for 4, but the bar wouldn't move up past the halfway mark. Nevertheless, I am pleased that my strength has returned, and that I was able to meet today's requisite...hope on the horizon !

I did two sets of push presses after:

225 x 2
235 x 1

Assistance work continued on with overhead pressing movements. No chin ups or dips today, because I want to focus on upwards mechanics.

Barbell press behind neck 125 lbs for 4 x 8, 135 lbs for a set of 8
One arm dumbbell press 40 lbs for 3 x 15 each side.

Here is a master of the shoulder press, Mr. Mariusz Pudzianowski. I can't pronounce his last name, but what he is demonstrating in this video transcends all language barriers:

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

06 SEP 11 -- Squat Smorgasbord

In previous entries, I wrote of how I want to train the power clean more. Today's workout started off with a power clean warm up of 2 sets of 5 at 135 lbs, focusing on speed and form. This exercise really does a great job of warming up, and the blood circulation feeling was tangible. I'll continue to do this exercise for warm ups, but will also train it on its own for strength gains.

After the cleans, I jumped into the squat rack for my warm up sets. Today, the squat training max moves up 10 lbs to 520 lbs, and it's the start of a new wave for squats, with the template being 3 x 5.

135 x 5
210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

The warm up squats felt great. The cleans helped.

Working sets

340 x 5
390 x 5
440 x 5

Again, I stayed with the requisite reps, as per Wendler's advice.

Hypertrophy work for the legs was squats, ass to the grass style, doing 260 lbs for 5 x 10, and keeping rest to as minimal as possible (this helps with HGH release).

Instead of training hamstrings via leg curls, I opted to work on some front squats, an exercise which I have not trained since last summer. My wrist flexibility isn't all that great, and my left wrist gets sore from time to time for some unknown reason, so I did these cross-armed or "California-style".

135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5

This was just playing around, trying to see where I was with the movement, so these sets were light. This exercise is highly recommended for strongman training, more so than the regular squat, and reading the training logs of other strongmen, I've noticed that at times, it is the exclusive squat that they use. I find it more uncomfortable than anything else, having the bar sit on the upper chest/throat area. It's a weird feeling doing squats like this. I will be working on these more often as well. So, you can say that this will be day one in my journal for front squatting. Remember that, and if I stray, remind me!

I did two more sets of power cleans at 135 lbs, doing 5 reps each time. I had a spotter check my form, to make sure I was doing them correctly. Apparently, they looked alright, lol.

I finished the session today with 10 reps of overhead squats with the empty bar, working on trying to increase my depth. This is one difficult exercise, and I want to improve on it. The overhead squat is also highly recommended, being a staple for strength athletes, especially Olympic lifters, but also seems very popular with the Crossfit community.

I've been reading Crossfit members' training journals and I saw how they were practicing the overhead bar carry. There was only one other person in the gym today, so I moved some of the benches around (it's a smaller gym and can be a bit of a maze with all the equipment in the room) and practiced this. I tried it with the empty bar, doing a walk of ten or so feet, then returning back to start. I also tried it with the bar loaded with two 10 lbs plates, and did four walks for a total of roughly 40 ft. This was just an experiment, but I noticed that my core muscles were feeling it. I think I will be doing this one as well. Strongman competitions focus on three events: lift, carry and drag (with throwing at times ie. keg toss), so this movement would probably benefit the carry and lift movements by working the core more intensely.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

04 SEP 11 -- Pec Pumpin' and Mini-Tires

The bench press moves up 5 lbs to 350 and today is the 3 x 5 workout.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 5 (only required to do 3, but I put out 2 more reps by mistake)

Working sets

230 x 5
265 x 5
300 x 5

I stayed with the requisite number of reps for the last set.

The decision was made to do a muscle building workout after this, shooting for some hypertrophy work for the pecs and lats. After my workout the other day, I was reading a new Canadian bodybuilding magazine that's just come out, and after looking at some of the bodybuilders' physiques featured in it, I thought it would be cool to work more on hypertrophy again. Big, strong and lean.


Incline bench press 185 x 10, 195 x 10, 205 x 8, 225 x 5, keeping rest to a minimum.
Incline dumbbell flyes 40 x 3 x 15

Back and Lats:

One arm dumbbell rows 85 x 2 x 10, 95 x 10, 100 x 10, 120 x 10
Wide grip cable pulldown 100 x 15, 125 x 2 x 15
Face pull 70 x 15, 10 (I lost concentration, as someone was talking to me), 15

Triceps work was just some cable extensions doing 70 x 10, 80 x 3 x 10

Again, the flexibility of the 5/3/1 program reveals itself to be adaptable to any agenda one might have, be it powerlifting, strongman, football, wrestling, martial arts, and yes, bodybuilding. It's a unique, yet simple plan, based on an uncomplicated linear progression, and very easily fitted into other training programs. Even the "bodyweight only" crowd can use this program to their advantage, as one of the assistance templates which Wendler includes in the manual incorporates bodyweight exercises after the main strength movements of the day.

Yesterday, I just did a mini-tire flip workout at my dad's place. There's an old Goodyear tractor tire there, which I think probably weighs around 250. That's just a guess. My oldest son and I were over for a visit, and I decided to do some tire flips with it while we sat outside on the patio, doing a total of 5 sets of 10. At first, it was just half-assed stuff, as I felt it would be better than doing nothing. Then it dawned on me how each tire has its own defined way of being flipped. This tire, for example, is light but it allows for explosive, rapid flipping movement to be trained. I would bend to grip the tire, and then explode upward while flipping it, driving powerfully off the ground, much like a  clean. The lightness of the tire also allowed me to focus more on the practice of the technique of "tire chasing", which is a vital part of successful tire-flipping, whereby the individual must keep in constant motion, working for speed before fatigue sets in.

There just might be room for this tire in the workout plan :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

02 SEP 11 -- Lifting the Dead

I was up late last night. I'm still on vacation from work, but for the past two days, I've been at home getting caught up on things, clean up and so on. I finally hit the sack at 4:30 a.m., then awoke 4 hours later to the sound of my dad ringing the doorbell. I think he wanted his lawn cut.  Right now, I feel like a bag of you know what, lol.

The dead lift bumps up 10 lbs for the next wave, moving to 530 lbs, and today is 3 x 5 workout.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

345 x 5
400 x 5
450 x 5

I just stuck with the requisite number of reps today, as per Wendler's suggestion for this week. As to who was more dead, the barbell on the floor or the guy standing over it, is a matter of speculation.

Assistance work:

Barbell shrugs 265 lbs for 2 x 15, 315 for 10, then a set of 7 (the bar was getting slippery from my sweaty palms...the gym was really warm due to the heat wave in the area).

Chin ups

Bodyweight x 10
35 lbs x 2 x 4
47.5 x 2 x 3
50 x 2
55 x 2
60 x 2

I finished with two sets of power cleans doing 5 reps per set with 135 lbs. The objective was to do them as explosively as possible, working on speed, snap and good form. They looked alright in the mirror. I was thinking of adding some dumbbell rows, but just didn't have the zeal for it today. It was a good workout regardless.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

01 SEP 11 -- Back from Vacation

I was able to get away for a few days to do some camping with the family. I just got back yesterday. I'm feeling tired today and I'm a bit sunburned from time on the beach with the kids and the dog. Camping outings are great fun, but they leave me a bit tired as opposed to refreshed.

I trained the overhead press today. It's 3 x 5 week, and the weight was upped 5 lbs to 245.

Warm up sets

45 x 15
100 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets

160 x 5
185 x 5
210 x 3

Yep...3 reps. If you recall my whining from the last overhead workout, I'm having problems as of late meeting reps which previously went up alright. Something is happening with this, and I'm wondering what to do. Is it time to recalculate, and go for 10% less on my training maxes, or do I need to make a correction somewhere else? It's strange, and if one of the readers wants to make a suggestion, I'm all ears.

I did some push presses to get some extra work in.

215 x 1
220 x 1
225 x 1

I tried to get 230 up, but it wasn't going to happen.

I did some shoulder work for assistance, but went the dumbbell route on this:

Seated dumbbell press 60 lbs for 5 x 10
Standing one arm dumbbell press 35 lbs for 2 x 15 each side, working on speed and crispness.
Double dumbbell clean and press 40 x 8, 45 x 8, 50 x 8

I would really like to get a log press and start training that lift, but I need to find an old cylinder so I can get it welded into the finished form. I used to work as a certified welder for a couple of years, but I haven't welded since 1995, so I am going to have a fellow strongman/welder finish this project for me. He will fabricate it to competition spec, and that will help with training the log press event.

In the meantime, it just may be time to recalculate my training max for overhead press. My other lifts are progressing, but this one is regressing for some reason unknown to me. Getting only 3 reps on 210 is wacky, since I passed this mark months ago. It may be that the past two overhead sessions were done at less than optimal times, and this is a possible coincidence, but it is a bit frustrating after all the hard workouts leading up to it. Oh well, that's part of the iron game.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

An Unofficial Deload

I'm on vacation this coming week. I'll be camping with the family and the mutt and won't be doing any training at least for the first few days. Just some hiking, walking on trails and on the beach, and enjoying lots of fresh air and sunshine. This week will serve as a deload, and it coincides well as it would be a deload according to the 5/3/1 program anyways.

Enjoy your week and stay tuned for the next round of training.

Keep fit, keep strong!

Friday, 26 August 2011

26 AUG 11 -- I Love Squats!

Had a great squat workout today. 5/3/1 day with a training max of 510 lbs.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets

385 x 5
435 x 3
485 x 2

The final set was good and I may have been able to squeeze out a third rep, but decided to keep it there.

Assistance work was very simple and to the point.

Squats 315 lbs for 5 x 10
Leg curls 90 lbs for 3 x 15

Some Alice in Chains for your listening pleasure:

Thursday, 25 August 2011

25 AUG 11 -- Benching and a Sore Paw

Bench training max is 345 lbs and it's 5/3/1 today.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

260 x 5
295 x 3
330 x 5

The sets were all good, but my left hand was killing me. When I did the dead lifts the other day, I think the pressure from the weight of the bar did something. My palm underneath the pinky finger mount is swollen and sore. The first few sets today were difficult due to the pain.

I decided on some incline benching today. I haven't done this in quite a long while.

Incline barbell bench press 155 x 10, 165 x 10, 175 x 10, 185 x 10, 195 x 10 (I had to see where I was with this one, so the weight was ascending).

I supersetted dips with chin ups:

Dips bodyweight x 20/chin ups bodyweight x 10
Dips 25 lbs x 10/chin ups BW x 5
Dips 35 x 6/chin ups BW x 5
Dips 45 x 4

I was planning on doing some dumbbell rows, but I ran out of time and had to get back to the homestead. It was a good workout regardless.

Monday, 22 August 2011

The New Mantra

I had a great workout today. There was some running around this morning, errands and so forth, but once I walked through the doors of the gym, I was ready for action and it paid off nicely.

Dead lift training max is 520 lbs and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

390 x 5
440 x 3
495 x 5

I was quite happy and very satisfied with this last set. Originally, I wasn't sure if I would have the zeal to even get two reps, but once the first one went up, the next four presented themselves to my surprise. Needless to say, it was great to see.

Barbell shrugs 245 lbs for 5 x 15
I did some cable rows for a change today, doing a smooth 150 lbs for 3 x 15.

I wanted to keep the workout in 45 minutes or less, and this workout was just a couple minutes over that time frame.

I am very interested in getting lean, and would like to focus on that as a priority. More cardio, more intense cardio, and sticking to proper nutrition. The plan will be to drink lots of water (I don't think I drink enough water during the day), lots more fresh veggies and fruits, more whole foods, protein and less grains, as well as curtailing the beer imbibing to just a couple per week. As well,  I want to start drinking green tea on a daily basis again. I used to drink the tea at least 3 times a day during leaner times, and I did notice a significant rate of fat loss. Being big and strong is awesome, but having a leaner waistline is awesome too.

Big, strong and lean.  That's the new mantra.

22 AUG 11 -- Time to Recalculate ?

Today was overhead press, with a training max of 240 lbs, and it's 5/3/1 week:

Warm up sets

45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets

180 x 5
205 x 3
230 x 0 (yes, zero)

I finally hit a stall on this program, something which Wendler and others have said will happen after several waves. However, I don't know if it was an actual stall or because I was training while feeling less than optimal. For instance, in the log going back to July 25th, I hit 3 reps on 225 lbs, so going up 5 lbs and not even getting one doesn't seem right. Also, on June 8th, I did one single at 230 lbs. I am wondering if I should be resetting my training max. In the 5/3/1 manual, Wendler says that after the stall, reduce your training max by 10% and begin your lifts for that particular exercise with the new training max.

On the other hand, it could have been that I was not training while in an optimized state. I didn't eat much yesterday, and today I may have been dehydrated. As well, I skipped breakfast today and only ate a protein bar at the gym while working out. I could easily attribute today's failed rep to these factors alone. So, do I recalculate now, starting with a new training max of  215 lbs (10% less than 240), or should I attempt a renewed effort with the 240 training max and make sure that I am nourished and hydrated before working out? I am inclined to think that it should be the latter measure. I think I will leave the training max at 240 and repeat the wave. I may do this, just to see how I perform.

I went back and did two more sets, using a reverse strip of weights:

205 x 3 (85%)
180 x 5 (75%)

Then, assistance work.

Military press 145 x 10, 10, 10.  135 x 10, 10.
Chin ups bodyweight x 12, and with the belt plus weight, 25 lbs x 5, 5, 35 x 4, 45 x 3.

Since starting this program last August, I've never stalled on any of the weights. Today's failure at 95% was not a setback, but a detour into troubleshooting. Wendler himself states in the manual that the trainee can go through 5-7 waves before stalling out, and he himself has hit 8 waves before having to reset.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Remembering Smolov

In an earlier blog posting, I mentioned how I made a brief excursion into the Smolov squat program:

5/3/1 into Smolov

Ever since reading about the Smolov squat program, I had always wanted to try this method, which guarantees rapid and massive gains in the squat. According to the Russian author who introduced Smolov to the western reader, Pavel Tsatouline, this program can increase one's squat up to 100 lbs in as little as thirteen weeks. It is a very intense program, and although I never completed it, I gained a lot more strength in this exercise. As well, my legs, particularly my quads, put a lot of muscle on. When I injured my trap on March 5th, 2011 during a heavy all-out single on the overhead press, I decided to let it heal while focusing my energies on the Smolov program. It was a good decision and I wish I had the time to complete it. I returned to the 5/3/1 program to regain balance for the other lifts, especially the dead lift and overhead press, because those lifts needed training for the August competition.

Here is the link to the article which outlines Smolov's program:

The Smolov Squat Program by Pavel Tsatouline

Before embarking on the program, I made sure that I researched as much as I could on others' experiences with it. One recommendation that came up was to limit oneself to the program and one push and one pull exercise for the upper body. I chose the bench press and chin ups to go with the program. It was stated that one's dead lift would go up with the squat, or at least that one would not lose strength on it. I found that my dead lift gained after completion.

I started the so-called Introductory Microcycle on March 8th. Before starting the program, I made a guesstimate that my squat one-rep max might be 480 lbs. All percentages would be based on that number (looking back on it now, that number may have been a bit too high, but I was able to meet all my reps regardless). The Microcycle takes two weeks, and prepares the trainee for the high volume squatting to follow. I had never squatted three days a week before, and my legs were constantly sore. The trainee is also supposed to practice jumps and lunges, although according to my training log, I didn't do too many of these. For one, I wasn't too sure of which jumps to practice, as the article is somewhat vague on this detail, but I did some basic vertical jumps onto stairs, a few hops and so forth. I recall getting an odd look from a girl who was in the gym one day while I practiced hops. It's not too often that one sees a big guy jumping up and down.

The Microcycle went well, better than I thought, and I was eager to start into the meat of the program.  One complaint coming from people who had done Smolov, and experienced difficulties during the program, was that they skipped the Microcycle and did not benefit as well as they thought they would have. Patience is key with any program, and I made sure that I followed this routine to the letter. I was quite prepared for the Base Mesocycle, which I started on March 21st.

The Base Mesocycle lasts for three weeks and each week sees the trainee squatting for four days! The days go as follows with reps, sets and percentages:

Day One --> 4 x 9 at 70%
Day Two --> 5 x 7 at 75%
Day Three --> 7 x 5 at 80%
Day Four --> 10 x 3 at 85%

For the succeeding two weeks, it's the exact format, but on Week Two, you add twenty pounds to the weight you were doing on Week One, and on Week Three, you add thirty pounds or ten pounds extra to Week Two.

My legs were constantly sore during those three weeks, so sore that sometimes it was a struggle to climb up onto a truck or loader at work. I was fortunate in that I never experienced knee or lower back pain, which is sometimes encountered during this program, but I did have sore elbows. I made sure that I kept nourished at all times, and it was during those weeks that I started drinking 2 litres or half a gallon of milk per day. Also, my legs were growing quicker than I had ever seen a muscle grow on me. Taking a shower and opening the curtain so that I was in view of the mirror, I was amazed at the size of my quads and inner thigh. My calves also grew thick, despite not being directly worked.

It was posted on the strongman discussion board that I follow that the August competition would entail events which seemed to focus on dead lift strength (silver dollar dead lift, frame carry), so I switched back to 5/3/1 after the Base Mesocycle to train the whole body. If I had time, I would have liked to finish this program to see how much strength I could actually gain in the squat. Although I never tested my one-rep max when I finished the program on April 9th, I was very impressed when I did ten reps at 405 lbs on April 30th during a 5/3/1 workout. According to the one-rep max calculator, that would push my one-rep max to 540 lbs. As well, on the last day of the Smolov, I performed 10 sets of 3 reps with 440 lbs, which was up until that point, the heaviest workload I had ever done while squatting. If followed through to completion, I could see a potential 60-80 lbs increase in my squat.

I don't think I am done with Smolov. This winter would be a good time to give it another shot, the earlier in the winter, the better. That way, I can return to focus on the whole body lifts in the spring.  I just may do that....

20 AUG 11 -- Cardio and Bis

I thought I would devote a session just to biceps and forearms.

EZ-Curl bar curls 50 lbs for 5 x 10
Dumbbell hammer curls 40 lbs 2 x 10, 45 lbs 3 x 10
Face pulls 60 lbs 3 x 10, 65 lbs 2 x 10

Cardio was split up.

Elliptical with the hills program for 30 minutes (burnt 450 calories)
Treadmill for a 10 minute walk at 3.7 mph

Just a nice easy one today. Now, I'm off to Walmart to get some supplies for the kids.

Friday, 19 August 2011

19 AUG 11 -- Back to Squatting

This was the first squat workout since Aug. 6th, so it was great to get back into some leg work again. I love squat workouts. It's such a simple, primitive exercise and there are so many benefits to be derived from it, that it's a wonder that the squat racks aren't the predominant exercise station in most gyms. A lot of people, however, make excuses for not doing them and by doing so, lose the opportunity to gain all those benefits. I always eat like a horse after squat day, and this gives me an excuse to pig out later, lol.

Training max is set at 510 lbs and it's 3 x 3 week.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets

410 x 3
435 x 3
460 x 3

The last set was hard and it was a struggle to make those 3 reps. I haven't taken a day off since the competition, and it showed on the last set. At least I got the requisite number of reps.

Assistance work was basic and to the point.

Squats 5 x 10 at 255 lbs or 50% of the training max.
Leg curls with 110 lbs for 15, 15, 12

It was a good workout and now I am looking forward to a couple of days off from the heavy stuff. I might do some cardio tomorrow, probably gym-bunny style on the elliptical or the treadmill.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

18 AUG 11 -- Bench

Hit the bench today. I had to do some running around this morning and didn't get started on the workout till 11 a.m., which is a little past my normal time. Today is 3 x 3 bench, and the training max is 345 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

275 x 3
295 x 3
310 x 6

Then I did some singles, staying submaximal.

320 x 1
325 x 1
330 x 1

On the last single, I was cooled down from chatting with my neighbor who also works out at the gym. He has a couple of police hiring interviews lined up, so he was filling me in on that. The bar went up alright, but if I had spent even another minute chatting, I may have found myself in trouble, lol.

Chin ups with the new belt were fun.

Bodyweight x 10
25 lbs x 4
35 x 4
45 x 3
50 x 3

I spent time working on weighted dips.

20 lbs x 10
25 x 10, 10, 10, 10 (on the last 3 sets, I did 3 x 5 bodyweight chin ups supersetted)

It was a good workout. I decided not to pursue the 5/3/1 format for chin ups, based on advice from some other guys, much stronger than me, who advocated just sticking with these as an assistance exercise. I'll follow that advice.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

17 AUG 11 -- Just Flip It

At break today I had my friend use the loader to bring the 660 lbs tire over to the parking lot for some more tire flip practice:

8 consecutive, then 4, 3, 5, 3, 2 for a total of 25 flips. Nothing serious, just some extra much needed practice.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

16 AUG 11 -- Back to Dead Lifting

Hit the gym again this morning. I'm on 3-11, my favourite shift, and my best workouts are done in the morning hours after 9 a.m.

Dead lift training max is 520 lbs, and I am on the 3 x 3 week of the wave.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

415 x 3
440 x 3
470 x 5

I could have done more reps, but having done so much heavy lifting during Saturday's competition, I didn't want to overtax my back this week. 5 reps is two over the requisite, and such a set keeps in line with Wendler's recommendation of holding some in the tank even when you know you can do more.

Assistance work was likewise light.

Barbell shrugs 235 lbs for 5 x 15
One arm dumbbell rows 105 lbs for 3 x 10 on each side.

I concluded the workout with some gym-bunny cardio, hitting the elliptical trainer for a fat-burning 20 minutes using the hills program.

And now, I am off to work, lol.

Monday, 15 August 2011

15 AUG 11 -- An Early Christmas Present

I was planning on going back to 3 x 3 for the overhead press, repeating the last workout I did for it. However, after doing the warm up sets and then the initial set of 3, I felt so stiff and sluggish, that I realized a deload would be better for the overhead press today. Here's the sets anyway:

45 x 25
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 5
190 x 2 (this is where I felt sluggish, so I stopped at 2 and concluded it would be a deload)

The owner of the gym had ordered a weight belt for me, made by Grizzly:

Grizzly Weight Belt

I've been wanting one of these so bad that it was like Christmas morning when I picked it up. So, although it's a deload for the overhead press, I still decided to experiment with the belt to see what I could do with it.

I started with chin ups.

Bodyweight x 10
10 lbs x 6
15 x 6
20 x 5
25 x 4
35 x 3
45 x 2
50 x 3

I concluded with another bodyweight set of 11 reps, culminating in 50 total.

Then I experimented with dips.

Bodyweight x 10
5 lbs x 10
10 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 10
35 x 8
45 x 10 culminating in 68 reps total.

I jumped onto the elliptical trainer and did 20 minutes on the fatburner program.

The weight belt is awesome. My strength will improve even more with this tool, and I am very glad to have gained this opportunity for advancement. I am thinking of using the 5/3/1 format for chin ups, so crunching with the one-rep max calculator based on my last set (I added two reps, due to being tired from the previous sets), I arrive at 58 lbs, or 60 rounded, for my training max number (and 90% of that is 54 lbs rounded out to 55 lbs for the working max to calculate the working percentages). Once a week, I'll be doing 5/3/1 chins. If the numbers don't work for me when I try it next time, I will recalculate based on what I get. In regards to dips, I will continue to use them as an assistance exercise after overhead press or on bench day, whichever works out, utilizing the 5 x 10 format with a weight that can be handled for that many sets. In one of his articles, Wendler revealed that 5/3/1 can be applied to exercises other than the basic four, including rows and curls, so I think I'm on the same page by going with this approach for chin ups. I noticed that my last set of 11 bodyweight chins today felt springy while performing them, so I am confident that my year-end goal of 20 bodyweight chin ups will be brought forward to the near future instead.

14 AUG 11 -- Cardio/Conditioning

My lower back is sore! The events from yesterday left me with some battle wounds, lol.

Today's workout is supposed to be a fat burner. I've been doing events cardio, tire flips and sled pulls, plus rep-squatting, but I want to lose the gut I have accumulated with the extra muscle and strength which I've gained. I'll be putting more emphasis now on achieving that end through additional cardio sessions. Some of it will be gym-bunny style, but if it gets the gut out of the way, I'll be happy.

I started with bodyweight sit ups on the incline bench going 20, 20, 20 and then 15.

30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, using the hills workout program.

More sit ups, doing 15 and then 10 for a total of 100 reps.

20 minutes on the treadmill, doing 1.55 mile run/walk. The runs were just that, and I cranked up the speed so that I did several hard sprints with recovery walking in between.

I looked like a drowned rat when I was done, my shirt was soaked, and after hitting the shower, I headed home to spend the rest of the day with the gang at the house.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

14 AUG 11 -- The Day After !

The competition went quite well yesterday. First, the weather was perfect, sunny and dry. A good crowd turned out for the event, and the spectators were very supportive of the competitors with lots of cheering and applause during each competitor's turn. We had 17 male competitors and 7 women competing in their own division. The event was held in Woodstock, Ontario but most competitors came from a long distance, largely from Toronto and the GTA area, and several from Buffalo, New York. I was very impressed that they took the drive over the border to come.

This competition consisted of four events for both men and women's divisions. There were no weight classes, and it was ranked as a novice/intermediate level competition. The events were as follows:

1. Silver dollar (19") deadlift for max.

241lbs min opener women
421lbs min opener men

2. Log press for reps.

8" log 110lbs women
12" log 220lbs men

3. Frame carry.

245 lbs women
495 lbs men

4. Tire flip.

380lbs women
700lbs men

I did well on the first event, and I was quite pleased with the pulls I was able to make. I started conservatively, opting for a 541 lbs. pull for the first attempt. It felt very light, but the bar on the silver dollar dead lift tends to be bouncy, so I wanted to get a feel by going low. Second attempt was 621 lbs. and it came up very smooth and crisp. Then, I had to quickly determine my final weight. Dilemma time: do I go for broke, or stay high and reasonable. I made the decision to pull 681, after looking over the other competitors final weights, as it would be 20 lbs. higher than theirs. At the same time, just before I made the pull at 681, I had to bite my tongue as I wanted to go for 701 at the last second. If I wouldn't be able to make the 701, I would be stuck with the second attempt's pull of 621. So, 681 it was, and it came up strong and smooth. I felt like kicking my ass for holding back on 20 lbs, lol. It was still a good scoring weight, and it took me up nicely in points.

The log press was a different matter. I hadn't log pressed since last year's competition, and even during the warm up with the empty log, it felt foreign and the mechanics weren't manifesting in my warm up reps. I watched as the first competitor up was nearly destroyed after a close miss when he lost control of the log and went crashing down to the ground with the log following him. The crowd gasped and based on the view from where I was standing, it seemed a minor miracle that he wasn't seriously hurt.

When it was my turn, I grabbed hold of the log, dropped to a low squat and brought it rolling up to the ready position. As I prepared to make the move to push, I felt dizzy. I put the log down to clear my head, then resumed the attempt. I was able to press the log up, but could barely hold it at the top long enough to bring my head through. Again, the dizziness. I had to drop the log. Zero points due to an incomplete lockout, much disappointment, and confusion as to why I felt dizzy. I attributed some of it to dehydration, so I made sure I drank lots of water when I got back to my seat.

The frame carry was lots of fun. I made the unforgivable error of trying to take too long of a stride forward, and the frame wobbled in my hands, causing me to drop sideways to my left. Undaunted, I pulled it back up and continued onto the 75' line, where the competitor must put the frame down, turn, and head back to the start line. I made it back, no falls or drops, and the form was better. I will have to practice this event in the future. It's not like the farmers' walk at all in terms of feel, although it appears similar. Balanced walking is critical with this event.

The last event of the day, the good 'ole tire flip. 700 lbs. of pure fun. I enjoyed this event the most. I think all the tire flips practiced at work paid off, because the tire felt relatively easy to move, and from what I could see in the video my son filmed, my form looked alright. I managed to work out seven flips before being timed out. I could have kept going, but the time was only 60 seconds till the finish is called.

Here is a vid of my events:

My final score tally was 28 points, and although I am placed on the scoreboard as number 11, technically I would be 10th as the two competitors ahead of me tied for ninth place. In last year's event, I placed 9th out of 17, but I was more pleased with my overall performance this time around, which I believe to be better than last year's.  A year's worth of 5/3/1, with a deviation for some Smolov squatting, paid off. I also saw a lot of improvement in other competitors who were there last year, and I congratulated them on a job well done.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

10 AUG 11 -- Cardio

Just a cardio top up for the day: 5 x 100 yard field sprints. Thursday and Friday might be just a simple walk.

 I'll keep you posted of Saturday's results :)

Sunday, 7 August 2011

07 AUG 11 -- Bench Time !

I decided to throw in a bench workout today. I followed the 3 x 5 format, with a training max that has been upped to 345 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

225 x 5
260 x 5
295 x 10

The goal for today was 10 reps, the objective being to max out as I want to cram in as much extra training as possible before starting the deload on Tuesday in preparation for the comp next Saturday. My favorite spotter was there for moral support, as well as to save me from the possible fate of being stuck on the bench for the rest of the afternoon. A big thank you....;)

Assistance work was close-grip bench press, using 60% of the training max --> 210 lbs for 5 x 10.
One arm dumbbell rows 100 lbs for 3 x 10 each side, 115 lbs for 2 x 6 each side.
Bodyweight dips went as follows: 15, 15, 10, 10 for 50 total.

All in all, it was a great workout, went smoothly, and I felt better getting one more bench workout before the comp. The additional triceps work will definitely help the log press on Saturday.

Parting thought for the day: If you know what you want, reach out for it, lest it elude you.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

06 AUG 11 -- Squat Saturday

Squat training max bumps up to 510 lbs.

Warm up sets
135 x 5
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 5

Working sets

330 x 5
385 x 5
435 x 6

I kept it down to one rep above requisite, remembering the tire flips from the night before.

Assistance work was a little prolonged today, as I squeezed a bit of extra work in before the deload week:

Squats (ass to the grass style) 255 lbs for 5 x 10
Leg curls 95 lbs for 3 x 15
Chin ups bodyweight 10, 8, 7 = 25 total and 100 total for the week
Sit ups on incline with bodyweight 15, 15, 20

I did a cooldown on the treadmill, walking 0.5 miles at an easy pace.

It was a smooth workout, covered all the bases, and I walked out of the gym with a relaxed smile on the face. Next Saturday, here we come.

Friday, 5 August 2011

05 AUG 11 -- Overhead Press

I decided to do an advanced overhead press workout, instead of the regular bench press session today, in light of the competition next Saturday. This is 3 x 3 day. I was away yesterday, so I couldn't work out.

Warm up sets

45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets

190 x 3
205 x 3
215 x 3

I worked on the push press some more. Today, I didn't have it in me to go harder, so this is what it looked like:

225 x 2
230 x 1
235 x 1
220 x 2 x 2

Assistance work was 60% of the training max --> 145 lbs for 5 x 10
Hang cleans 145 x 3, 155 x 2, 165 x 2, 175 x 2 (the last one went up, but was like a twisted pretzel, looking absolutely retarded, lol).

I did one set of hammer curls for 10 reps with 50 lbs dumbbells, but stopped there, as I am going to attempt to do some tire flips tonight, and will need some energy for that.

PS -- I was finally able to get some tire flips in. I was very tired going into these, having driven for 10 hours on a major multi-lane highway the day before. I used the 660 lbs tire, and while I originally planned to do 10 consecutive reps, I just didn't have the steam to go with that plan tonight, so I broke it up like this:

2 x 5 flips
5 x 3 flips = 25 total flips

It had been a couple of weeks since the last flip session, and things seemed rusty at first, but for the last sets, the form came back and the tire was nice and controlled. Man, I am tired! I'm going to sleep in tomorrow!

Stay tuned for squats tomorrow, dear readers :)

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

02 AUG 11 -- Dead Lifting and Rack Pulls

3 x 5 week - dead lifts - training max now at 520 lbs.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

340 x 5
390 x 5
440 x 11

I decided to go higher than the requisite number of 5 on the last set. The competition is very close, and next week is a deload week. I actually could have done 12 reps, but stayed at 11, having originally planned to do 10. Talk about heavy breathing after the last set, lol.

I did some rack pulls to prepare for the silver dollar dead lift. I used a Cybex "Smith Machine".

315 x 1
405 x 1
495 x 1
545 x 1
565 x 1
585 x 1

Assistance work today continued on with pulling movements:

Barbell shrugs 225 lbs for 5 x 15, 315 x 10, then 8
Face pulls 60 x15, 70 x 10, 10

It was a good workout and I left the gym on a positive note. I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I am going to substitute this week's bench press workout with another overhead press workout, going with the 3 x 3 day. There's no bench pressing in the strongman comp, but there will be a log press, and I want to squeeze in one more workout to keep the "groove greased". Wish me luck!

PS -- I worked 3-11 shift, and then after work, I added field sprints for some cardio, doing 5 x 100 yard sprints. 

Monday, 1 August 2011

01 AUG 11 -- Overhead Press

Two weeks to go before the competition. It's on August 13th, and this is basically the last heavy session for overhead press, as I am going to use next week as a deload. My gym is closed's a provincial I went to a friend's gym, one which I used to be a member of. I used to go to this gym, even though it's in a neighbouring city, all the time before switching to the local gym. I miss the place a bit and it catered to guys who were powerlifters. I enjoy working out at the present facility, but still have a soft spot for the old place.

It's 3 x5 week, and a new wave, so the overhead press bumps up to 240 lbs. My cold is almost completely gone, but my shoulder is a bit stiff. I think I was laying on it last night in bed, and that stiffened it up.

Warm up sets
45 x 25
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets
155 x 5
180 x 5
205 x 6

I was a bit thrown off on the last set. Different gym, different feel on the barbell, and I asked my friend to count off reps, but he was doing it mentally, lol. I wanted to yell out, "count!". I was disappointed with this set, having previously done more reps at that weight. It could be many factors, including the cold I just went through, but for some reason, six reps it was. At least I'm over the requisite number, sigh...

Assistance work was not so disappointing.

Mil press was 60% of today's training max --> 145 lbs for 5 x 10
Bodweight chin ups mixing up both wide and close grip: 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 5 = 75 reps
Bodyweight dips in between the final sets of chin ups 3 x 10

I've been so focused on chin ups as of late that I've been neglecting dips. Dips are extremely important, just as important as the chins, and I've noticed that my progress on pressing movements has been so-so as of late, so I'm going to make sure that I re-incorporate the dips back in there, even if it is just for 3 sets. Mike Mentzer is quoted as saying that dips are the "squat for the upper body", and Wendler is also very big on these, stating that they are the best exercise for the triceps. I will definitely start training these again. Stronger triceps are crucial for pressing success.

By the way, no tire flips last week. Circumstances at work wouldn't allow me to get them in, but I will shoot for some this week, hopefully, if all goes well. I'm also on 3-11, so that should help with the recovery.

Friday, 29 July 2011

29 JUL 11 -- Squatting

5/3/1 day for squats. Training max is 500 lbs.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
205 x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Working sets

375 x 5
425 x 3
475 x 2

I just stuck with the requisite workout today, with no assistance work. I plan on doing some tire flips at work tonight. Even the last set was kept to one above requisite.

Worked a bit on power cleans. I haven't done these in a while, and I should be training these more often.

95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2 x 3

The cold is ebbing a little, but unfortunately, it's still there and I'm stuffed up and coughing still. :(

Thursday, 28 July 2011

28 JUL 11 -- Cold Benchin'

You just gotta luv those summer colds! (Sarcastic voice)

 I am feeling tired, crappy and weak. This cold has really done a number on me. I am, however, still training. Today's bench training max is 340 lbs, and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets
45 x 25
135 x 5
170 x 5
205 x 3

I did 5 chin ups, bodyweight, during the warm up sets.

Working sets
255 x 5
290 x 3
325 x 5

I had set the goal for 6 reps, but as stated, I'm feeling weak today. Once I'm recovered from this stupid cold, I'll probably have an increase in strength from fighting it.

Assistance work was performed with sweat and plodding effort.

Close-grip bench press 205 lbs for 4 x 10, 185 lbs x 10 (triceps were feeling deflated, lol).
Bodyweight chin ups 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5 (today's total = 50 chin ups).
Hammer curls 50 lbs dumbbells 4 x 10, 40 lbs x 10.

That's it, nothing spectacular, just short reps on my all-out bench set and a runny nose with a cough.

In case you're wondering, I made sure I wiped the equipment down with anti-bacterial spray and paper towel. I always do ;)

Another Soundgarden tune, one of my favourites:

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

26 JUL 11 -- Oh, Those Summer Colds!

I think my youngest son brought a cold home from day camp. I watched him struggle with it through his baseball tournament last Saturday, never realizing what a doozey it actually was, until I caught it yesterday. Today, my head is pounding, and I feel like crap: sore throat, runny nose and all that other good stuff that the viral world has so lovingly bequeathed to mankind. I took some Cold-FX this morning, trying it for the first time, and I think it helped enough so I could get through my workout, clearing up some of the congestion and heavy-headedness. Summer colds are the worst ones, so they say.

Dead lift on 5/3/1 week, with a training max of 510 lbs.

Warm up sets

205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets

385 x 5
435 x 3
485 x 5

I had it in me for at least another rep or two, but I kept at 5 reps today. Afterwards, I did one single at 515 lbs, but didn't have it in me to do anymore. I'm not going to push it while sick, and I still need to get some tire flips in, probably tomorrow.

Assistance work was as light as it gets.

Barbell shrugs 5 x 15 with 225 lbs.
Face pulls 3 x 10 with 60 lbs.

I was thinking of doing some sit ups, but with the tire flips this week, that should be enough core work there. Hopefully, I can get through this cold as quickly as possible. I really don't need to be wrestling with a bad cold at this stage before the comp.

Monday, 25 July 2011

25 JUL 11 -- Overhead and Push Press

It's the beginning of 5/3/1 week and there's no better way to start it then to hit the overhead press. Training max is 235 lbs.

Warm up sets
45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets
175 x 5
200 x 3
225 x 3

I had set the goal at 4 reps, and maybe I could've squeezed out another, but the 3 reps I hit on this one were plenty of work! It is often said that the overhead press is the slowest to increase, and I always find this one very difficult.  However, I am pleased to get that many reps at that weight. Seeing 4 big plates on the bar, and repping them, is something I could only dream of last year. So, progress has been made. Although it seems a long way off, at some time in the future I'll be doing 315 lbs -- 6 big plates-- and then I will be looking back in the training log and smiling at my struggles with this weight, lol. When I look at my log going back to 2009, I see myself sweating with weights that I use for the warm up now.

I worked on the push press again, trying to get used to the mechanics of thrusting a heavy weight into the air with a compound movement of legs, shoulders and triceps.

235 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 2 x 2 (stripping down as 240 was a max effort)
210 x 3, 3, rest a bit and 4

Due to the extra heavy work today, I cut back on the other assistance, and just did military press with 135 lbs for 3 x 10. No chin ups or dips today. I don't know what Wendler's opinion would be regarding all the extra push presses that I did today, adding heavy work onto max effort work, but at this point before the competition, I don't see any other option than to train harder.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

24 JUL 11 -- Squat Sunday

Two days where I missed my squat workout. Friday, I was so tired from the night shifts, plus running around doing errrands,  I never made it to the gym. Saturday, my youngest son had a baseball tournament in the morning till afternoon. It was so hot outside, that by the time I was feeling recovered, it was almost closing time for the gym (they close at 5 p.m. on Saturday), so I never made it down there. Which, incidentally, may have been a good thing, because the extra rest added to a comeback which culminated in a very good workout today: a squat workout which was remedial for the upset of two squat sessions ago.

Squat training max is 500 lbs, and today is the 3 x 3 session in the wave.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
205 x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Working sets

405 x 3 (added 5 lbs to make it an even 8 plates)
425 x 3
450 x 6

The reps were all nice and smooth, and I was feeling pumped for some more.


465 x 1
475 x 1
490 x 1
500 x 1

The last single was the most I have ever squatted, and I could have added more. My depth was a bit above where I would have liked it, but it was still a nice squat. For assistance work today, I forsook the regular 5 x 10 with 50% to work more on power. I set the pins in the rack and trained the quarter-squat, where you go down a quarter of the distance and then up again:

570 x 5
585 x 5
600 x 5

I was going to do some speed squats at 225 lbs, but the 5 reps I put up were not fast at all, although I went as deep as I could, ass to the grass. At that point, I knew my legs were steamed out, so I called it for the day.  It was an excellent workout, I had some great results, and squatting an even 500 lbs was a nice boost for the confidence. Overall, I'm very happy.

By the way, I have reached one of my goals for 2011. One down, four more to go :)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

21 JUL 11 -- Bench

Bench 3 x 3 with a training max of 340 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
135 x 5
170 x 5
205 x 3

Working sets

270 x 3
290 x 3
305 x 8

The left tricep has been feeling a little sore lately, and today I was feeling that soreness during the warm up and first two working sets. I had set my goal for 10 reps today, but was only able to crank out 8. Not certain why, but it could possibly be due to the night shifts, the heat, so forth. I am still 5 reps ahead of the requisite number of 3, however, so that's good for now.

Trained some singles afterwards:

325 x 2 (just felt like doing 2)
335 x 1
345 x 1

I was feeling sluggish during the assistance work today, and it seemed difficult as I waded through it.

Bench press 225 x 10, 205 x 10, and close grip bench press 205 for 3 x 10.
Bodyweight chin ups 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, and 5.

That was it, and I don't think I could have done anymore, as I was just feeling sapped today. Next week I am on 3-11 shift, so I am hoping for more crispness in the next week's workouts. I will also be hitting the tire again next week, as well as planning for some farmer's walk work too.

I was thinking today after the workout of how awesome it will be to see 4 big plates on either side of the bar for bench press.  I am looking forward to that day, and after this competition in August, I may change things around to speed up bench improvement. As stated in a previous entry, I am more interested in getting a bigger bench than anything else. I don't know why that is, but it is a goal which I am focused on, and the day I can get a 405 lbs bench is the day I plan to celebrate.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

19 JUL 11 -- Dead Lift

Today was a lot better than yesterday. I had more sleep, uninterrupted as well, opting to hit the gym at suppertime, instead of in the afternoon. The extra sleep made a difference.

Dead lift training max is 510 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 day.

Warm up sets
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets
410 x 3
435 x 3
460 x 8

The last set felt very good, and I could have squeezed out 10 reps. Then I worked on singles:

515 x 1
520 x 1
535 x 1

The last one felt awesome, went up smooth, and I had a nice lockout at the top which I maintained while enjoying the feeling of having heaved this bitch. Definitely a better workout than yesterday!

Assistance work was light and controlled:

Barbell shrugs 5 x 10 with 225 lbs.
Chin ups 3 x 10 bodyweight (to make up for missing yesterday's)
Facepulls 3 x10 with 60 lbs (for variation)
Incline sit ups 2 x 20 bodweight.

Tomorrow, I'll do some hill sprints or sled pulls. It's supposed to be really hot and humid outside, so we'll see how that goes. I read a news report stating that the rest of the summer is going to be like this. Wow.....

A little Alice In Chains for the day `~`