Saturday, 15 October 2011

15 OCT 11 -- Squat, squat, squat...

Squat training max is 530, and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

400 x 5
450 x 3
505 x 1

Wendler advises to keep the last set at a minimum number of reps to accomodate the squat cycle which he introduced in this article:

Big, Boring, and Really Sore

Last week, I started with the second part of the cycle, training with 50% of my max for 5 x 12. This week, I went with the third part of the cycle, and I'm telling you, it's one friggin' hard workout.

265 lbs for 4 x 15
245 for 1 x 15

I had to reduce the weight by 20 lbs for the last set. Wendler's further recommendation is to stay with the same weight for all the sets, but I doubt I would have been able to get 15 reps on the last set with 265 (at least without puking), so I knocked it down 20 pounds, which still kept me within the 30-50% range he lays out for the cycle. This workout is brutal and sucked the wind right out of my sails.

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