Sunday, 7 August 2011

07 AUG 11 -- Bench Time !

I decided to throw in a bench workout today. I followed the 3 x 5 format, with a training max that has been upped to 345 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

225 x 5
260 x 5
295 x 10

The goal for today was 10 reps, the objective being to max out as I want to cram in as much extra training as possible before starting the deload on Tuesday in preparation for the comp next Saturday. My favorite spotter was there for moral support, as well as to save me from the possible fate of being stuck on the bench for the rest of the afternoon. A big thank you....;)

Assistance work was close-grip bench press, using 60% of the training max --> 210 lbs for 5 x 10.
One arm dumbbell rows 100 lbs for 3 x 10 each side, 115 lbs for 2 x 6 each side.
Bodyweight dips went as follows: 15, 15, 10, 10 for 50 total.

All in all, it was a great workout, went smoothly, and I felt better getting one more bench workout before the comp. The additional triceps work will definitely help the log press on Saturday.

Parting thought for the day: If you know what you want, reach out for it, lest it elude you.

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