Friday, 9 September 2011

09 SEP 11 -- Cleanin' Up on a Dead Day

Dead lift training max is 530 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 day.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

425 x 3
450 x 3
480 x 6

I wanted to do more reps, but kept it in the hole today. Next week, it's going to be all out on my 95% set.

Barbell shrugs for assistance:

225 x 30
315 x 15
335 x 10
355 x 5

Power cleans was the next focus for today's workout. I started light for form's sake, then progressively increased the weight, working for explosiveness and speed.

135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
175 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1

I decided to superset wide-grip upright rows (where the hands are past the rings on the bar) and face pulls. This is what it looked like:

Wide-grip upright rows 135 x 3 x 10
Face pull 70 x 3 x 10

A lot of trap work today. No chin ups today, although I had planned to do them. I liked the way the workout went regardless. I'll hit the chins again on bench press day, which will be on Sunday. Tomorrow, I have a long trip starting in the morning. My oldest son bought himself a sailboat, his first one, and we are going to pick it up.

See you on Sunday, and enjoy your Saturday! Ciao !

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