Monday, 25 July 2011

25 JUL 11 -- Overhead and Push Press

It's the beginning of 5/3/1 week and there's no better way to start it then to hit the overhead press. Training max is 235 lbs.

Warm up sets
45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets
175 x 5
200 x 3
225 x 3

I had set the goal at 4 reps, and maybe I could've squeezed out another, but the 3 reps I hit on this one were plenty of work! It is often said that the overhead press is the slowest to increase, and I always find this one very difficult.  However, I am pleased to get that many reps at that weight. Seeing 4 big plates on the bar, and repping them, is something I could only dream of last year. So, progress has been made. Although it seems a long way off, at some time in the future I'll be doing 315 lbs -- 6 big plates-- and then I will be looking back in the training log and smiling at my struggles with this weight, lol. When I look at my log going back to 2009, I see myself sweating with weights that I use for the warm up now.

I worked on the push press again, trying to get used to the mechanics of thrusting a heavy weight into the air with a compound movement of legs, shoulders and triceps.

235 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 2 x 2 (stripping down as 240 was a max effort)
210 x 3, 3, rest a bit and 4

Due to the extra heavy work today, I cut back on the other assistance, and just did military press with 135 lbs for 3 x 10. No chin ups or dips today. I don't know what Wendler's opinion would be regarding all the extra push presses that I did today, adding heavy work onto max effort work, but at this point before the competition, I don't see any other option than to train harder.

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