Friday, 7 October 2011

07 OCT 11 -- Go Deeper!

Hit the squat today. Training max is 530 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 in the wave.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
210 x 5
265 x 5
320 x 3

Working sets

425 x 3
450 x 3
475 x 4

I was not overly happy with the last set. My depth wasn't low enough, and I think it may have been because I didn't get full rest from the previous set. My wife was filming the squat, and we were trying to figure out the best angle to film it from. I jumped into the rack too soon.

Assistance work today was based on the article which was posted on Jim's blog at  The blog entry is linked to another article which Jim published at

Boring But Big...And Really Sore

Since I've been doing the 5 x 10 squat assistance all along, I started at Cycle 2 --> 5 x 12 at 50%. That is, 5 x 12 at 265 lbs. Also, I made sure that I went ass to the grass on these squats. Plain and simple, but those extra two reps added at the end of each set are very taxing not only on the legs, but also the lungs and heart. It's a great pump. I can hardly wait till next week when I add three more reps each set for 5 x 15. I'll have to park the car closer to the gym for that workout, lol.

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