Sunday, 11 September 2011

11 SEP 11 -- Benching on a Sunday Afternoon

In days of old, men would spend their Sunday afternoons with their wives and children at church picnics, not sweating it out at gyms doing large numbers of bench presses. Which is precisely what I did today, being a modern man in avid pursuit of the elusive big bench.

Bench training max is 350 lbs and today is 3 x 3.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
175 x 5
210 x 3

Working sets

280 x 3
300 x 3
315 x 7

I was hoping for at least 8 reps, having planned today's workout as an all-out effort on the last set, but this is what I ended up with. Sometimes, you can intend on doing your best only to get results which fall short, while other workouts can start with a complete lack of motivation and drive, then turn out to produce outstanding results, even personal records. I think that today was in the middle. I consider workouts like this to be investments which eventually pay off over time.

Assistance work was a little on the same note.

Close-grip bench press 225 x 10, 210 x 4 x 10

I worked on chin ups, but just didn't have the heart for it today.

Bodyweight x 10,
25 lbs x 5, 4
35 x 2

One arm dumbbell rows in sets of 10: 95 lbs, 100 lbs, 115 lbs each side

I worked on some flexibility for my wrists. The plan is to do front squats and power cleans, so I need to train my wrists to bend back more. I spent time with the bar in position at the top where a front squat would be, or a power clean upon completion, letting the bar stretch the wrist back. Tomorrow, if I can get down to the gym, front squats and power cleans will be on the agenda, so this stretching will help.

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