Tuesday, 13 September 2011

13 SEP 11 -- Squats and More Squats

It's 3 x 3 day for squatting and the training max is 520 lbs.

Warm up sets

Power clean 135 x 5
Squat 135 x 5
210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

415 x 3
440 x 3
470 x 4

I was feeling strong on all the sets. Working 11-7 shift again, I wasn't too sure how this session would go, but I had a good sleep and didn't hit the gym till the late afternoon, so the energy level was there.

Assistance work was more squats, doing 315 lbs for 5 x 10, taking as little rest between sets as possible. This was like a cardio session.

I concluded with front squats, again going light and focusing on form and mechanics. Once I get this movement down, then I will add more weight.

Sets of 5: 135, 145, 155, 165 and 175 lbs.

My wrist flexibility is very poor, and I find it difficult doing this exercise with the hands in the proper position, so I had to revert to crossed-arms. Don't fret, I'll keep practicing!

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