Monday, 22 August 2011

The New Mantra

I had a great workout today. There was some running around this morning, errands and so forth, but once I walked through the doors of the gym, I was ready for action and it paid off nicely.

Dead lift training max is 520 lbs and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets

210 x 5
260 x 5
310 x 3

Working sets

390 x 5
440 x 3
495 x 5

I was quite happy and very satisfied with this last set. Originally, I wasn't sure if I would have the zeal to even get two reps, but once the first one went up, the next four presented themselves to my surprise. Needless to say, it was great to see.

Barbell shrugs 245 lbs for 5 x 15
I did some cable rows for a change today, doing a smooth 150 lbs for 3 x 15.

I wanted to keep the workout in 45 minutes or less, and this workout was just a couple minutes over that time frame.

I am very interested in getting lean, and would like to focus on that as a priority. More cardio, more intense cardio, and sticking to proper nutrition. The plan will be to drink lots of water (I don't think I drink enough water during the day), lots more fresh veggies and fruits, more whole foods, protein and less grains, as well as curtailing the beer imbibing to just a couple per week. As well,  I want to start drinking green tea on a daily basis again. I used to drink the tea at least 3 times a day during leaner times, and I did notice a significant rate of fat loss. Being big and strong is awesome, but having a leaner waistline is awesome too.

Big, strong and lean.  That's the new mantra.

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