Monday, 22 August 2011

22 AUG 11 -- Time to Recalculate ?

Today was overhead press, with a training max of 240 lbs, and it's 5/3/1 week:

Warm up sets

45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets

180 x 5
205 x 3
230 x 0 (yes, zero)

I finally hit a stall on this program, something which Wendler and others have said will happen after several waves. However, I don't know if it was an actual stall or because I was training while feeling less than optimal. For instance, in the log going back to July 25th, I hit 3 reps on 225 lbs, so going up 5 lbs and not even getting one doesn't seem right. Also, on June 8th, I did one single at 230 lbs. I am wondering if I should be resetting my training max. In the 5/3/1 manual, Wendler says that after the stall, reduce your training max by 10% and begin your lifts for that particular exercise with the new training max.

On the other hand, it could have been that I was not training while in an optimized state. I didn't eat much yesterday, and today I may have been dehydrated. As well, I skipped breakfast today and only ate a protein bar at the gym while working out. I could easily attribute today's failed rep to these factors alone. So, do I recalculate now, starting with a new training max of  215 lbs (10% less than 240), or should I attempt a renewed effort with the 240 training max and make sure that I am nourished and hydrated before working out? I am inclined to think that it should be the latter measure. I think I will leave the training max at 240 and repeat the wave. I may do this, just to see how I perform.

I went back and did two more sets, using a reverse strip of weights:

205 x 3 (85%)
180 x 5 (75%)

Then, assistance work.

Military press 145 x 10, 10, 10.  135 x 10, 10.
Chin ups bodyweight x 12, and with the belt plus weight, 25 lbs x 5, 5, 35 x 4, 45 x 3.

Since starting this program last August, I've never stalled on any of the weights. Today's failure at 95% was not a setback, but a detour into troubleshooting. Wendler himself states in the manual that the trainee can go through 5-7 waves before stalling out, and he himself has hit 8 waves before having to reset.

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