Saturday, 24 September 2011

24 SEP 11 -- Investing in the Dead

It's a beautiful day, sunny and cool, and there's no better way to start that day than to hit the gym for a good dead lift workout. Today's workout is 3 x 5 and the dead lift training max bumps up to 540 lbs.

Warm up sets

215 x 5
270 x 5
325 x 3

Working sets

350 x 5
405 x 5
460 x 5

Again, I am utilizing Wendler's suggestion of remaining with just 5 reps for the last set on 3 x 5 week. The weight felt light and I think I could have easily done another 5.

Assistance work for the day began with shrugs.

315 x 20
335 x 8
355 x 5
225 x 30

Chin ups

Bodyweight x 15
25 lbs x 6
35 x 5

I was going to do some power cleans, but ended up doing a set of 5 hang cleans with 135 lbs. Looking at the clock, I realized it was time to go back to the house and get myself changed and ready so I could pick up my wife at work. Today's workout was a lot better than yesterday's, and hitting 15 bodyweight chin ups is a further step towards my year end goal of 20 at bodyweight. I find it interesting how some training days can be great, others average, and then there are the absolutely shitty ones which periodically rear their ugly heads.

I have been assessing the past several weeks, and as much as I don't want to, I may have to recalculate my training max for the overhead press and start with a new number. This is Wendler's remedy for when the reps stall. At the same time, taking a deload week may improve the situation too. Perhaps this is the most important dimension of the problem. As stated previously, I've been avoiding the deloads, being overly eager for progress, yet the deload is a key component of the program. I will go through this wave and once completed, take a whole deload week. During that deload, I'll focus more on cardio. I'm going to use 250 lbs for the 3 x 3 session and see where I am at. If I fail with the last set, then I will definitely recalculate.

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