Monday, 15 August 2011

14 AUG 11 -- Cardio/Conditioning

My lower back is sore! The events from yesterday left me with some battle wounds, lol.

Today's workout is supposed to be a fat burner. I've been doing events cardio, tire flips and sled pulls, plus rep-squatting, but I want to lose the gut I have accumulated with the extra muscle and strength which I've gained. I'll be putting more emphasis now on achieving that end through additional cardio sessions. Some of it will be gym-bunny style, but if it gets the gut out of the way, I'll be happy.

I started with bodyweight sit ups on the incline bench going 20, 20, 20 and then 15.

30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, using the hills workout program.

More sit ups, doing 15 and then 10 for a total of 100 reps.

20 minutes on the treadmill, doing 1.55 mile run/walk. The runs were just that, and I cranked up the speed so that I did several hard sprints with recovery walking in between.

I looked like a drowned rat when I was done, my shirt was soaked, and after hitting the shower, I headed home to spend the rest of the day with the gang at the house.

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