Monday, 1 August 2011

01 AUG 11 -- Overhead Press

Two weeks to go before the competition. It's on August 13th, and this is basically the last heavy session for overhead press, as I am going to use next week as a deload. My gym is closed's a provincial I went to a friend's gym, one which I used to be a member of. I used to go to this gym, even though it's in a neighbouring city, all the time before switching to the local gym. I miss the place a bit and it catered to guys who were powerlifters. I enjoy working out at the present facility, but still have a soft spot for the old place.

It's 3 x5 week, and a new wave, so the overhead press bumps up to 240 lbs. My cold is almost completely gone, but my shoulder is a bit stiff. I think I was laying on it last night in bed, and that stiffened it up.

Warm up sets
45 x 25
95 x 5
120 x 5
145 x 3

Working sets
155 x 5
180 x 5
205 x 6

I was a bit thrown off on the last set. Different gym, different feel on the barbell, and I asked my friend to count off reps, but he was doing it mentally, lol. I wanted to yell out, "count!". I was disappointed with this set, having previously done more reps at that weight. It could be many factors, including the cold I just went through, but for some reason, six reps it was. At least I'm over the requisite number, sigh...

Assistance work was not so disappointing.

Mil press was 60% of today's training max --> 145 lbs for 5 x 10
Bodweight chin ups mixing up both wide and close grip: 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 5 = 75 reps
Bodyweight dips in between the final sets of chin ups 3 x 10

I've been so focused on chin ups as of late that I've been neglecting dips. Dips are extremely important, just as important as the chins, and I've noticed that my progress on pressing movements has been so-so as of late, so I'm going to make sure that I re-incorporate the dips back in there, even if it is just for 3 sets. Mike Mentzer is quoted as saying that dips are the "squat for the upper body", and Wendler is also very big on these, stating that they are the best exercise for the triceps. I will definitely start training these again. Stronger triceps are crucial for pressing success.

By the way, no tire flips last week. Circumstances at work wouldn't allow me to get them in, but I will shoot for some this week, hopefully, if all goes well. I'm also on 3-11, so that should help with the recovery.

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