Tuesday, 26 July 2011

26 JUL 11 -- Oh, Those Summer Colds!

I think my youngest son brought a cold home from day camp. I watched him struggle with it through his baseball tournament last Saturday, never realizing what a doozey it actually was, until I caught it yesterday. Today, my head is pounding, and I feel like crap: sore throat, runny nose and all that other good stuff that the viral world has so lovingly bequeathed to mankind. I took some Cold-FX this morning, trying it for the first time, and I think it helped enough so I could get through my workout, clearing up some of the congestion and heavy-headedness. Summer colds are the worst ones, so they say.

Dead lift on 5/3/1 week, with a training max of 510 lbs.

Warm up sets

205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets

385 x 5
435 x 3
485 x 5

I had it in me for at least another rep or two, but I kept at 5 reps today. Afterwards, I did one single at 515 lbs, but didn't have it in me to do anymore. I'm not going to push it while sick, and I still need to get some tire flips in, probably tomorrow.

Assistance work was as light as it gets.

Barbell shrugs 5 x 15 with 225 lbs.
Face pulls 3 x 10 with 60 lbs.

I was thinking of doing some sit ups, but with the tire flips this week, that should be enough core work there. Hopefully, I can get through this cold as quickly as possible. I really don't need to be wrestling with a bad cold at this stage before the comp.

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