Thursday, 6 October 2011

06 OCT 11 -- Bench Press 320 x 7

Bench press Thursday, 3 x 3 and the training max is 355 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
140 x 5
180 x 5
215 x 3

Working sets

285 x 3
300 x 3
320 x 7

I had set my goal for today at 8 reps, a bit unrealistic perhaps, but got a nice 7 reps on it. Here's the vid of today's final set:

Assistance work was kept basic and short today.

Close-grip bench press

225 x 10
215 x 3 x 10
205 x 10

One arm dumbbell row was 105 lbs x 5 x 10 each side.
I concluded with dips, doing bodyweight for 2 x 10 and then 25 lbs added for 2 x 6. I haven't done dips for a little while, so it was important to get a few sets in at the end today.

Stay tuned for squats tomorrow! I'm off to watch my kid play some grade 10 football. He's a big kid for his age, over 6 feet and is already starting to bulk up.

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