Saturday, 9 July 2011

Double-Dipping and Tire-Flipping

I worked 8 hours overtime today on day shift. At lunchtime, I once again hit the 660 pound tire. It was really hot, over 40 celsius, but I still wanted to get that tire flippin' around to get in some more practice for the event. It was actually a good workout, with 8 quick flips/no pauses, a break for a sip of water, and then some more in snappy doubles and a final sequence of 4 non-paused flips. The tire went up smooth, I felt stronger on the flips, and managed to work out a total of 21 flips. I could have done more, but I didn't want to overdo it, both because of the blazing sun and the heat, as well as a left wrist that was starting to feel a little sore.

So the final tally for tire flips this week:

25 flips on Sunday with the 540 lbs tire,
39 flips on Wednesday and Saturday with the 660 lbs tire =
64 total for this week.

I am happy with all the work this week. Hitting the tire for this many reps was great for building not only strength and form, but also confidence. Injuring myself last summer while flipping a tire for the first time didn't do much to inspire me, but putting in some solid work with the tires this week helped a lot. I really enjoyed this session today, and a few of my co-workers who were watching seemed impressed with the exercise.

By the way, my right wrist looks very bruised, lol.

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