Wednesday, 13 July 2011

13 JUL 11 -- Events/Cardio

I am starting to really like this double-dipping.

During my coffee break, which is at 1:00 a.m., I did some work with the 660 lbs tire. This time, it was ten consecutive flips, with no rest between. The flips felt stronger, and although breathing hard at the end, I could tell this was a great improvement since last session. Then I worked on fast triples, doing 5 sets of them. It was a good way to work on both speed and form, although my hand is getting scraped up from the tire, leaving blood mixed with the dust.

Today's total = 660 lbs tire x 25 flips.

I will now take it easy for the rest of the day, get some sleep after the night's shift, and enjoy watching my youngest son play his baseball game tonight.

See you on Thursday for bench presses. Tire flip part deux will be on Friday or Saturday so I can get my 50 flips for the week's total. Ciao!

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