Monday, 4 July 2011

04 JUL 11 -- Overhead Press

Happy Independence Day to the American readers!

It's 5/3/1 week, with the working sets following the inverted rep pyramid scheme of that number sequence, with the percentages set at 75, 85, then 95% of the training max number. On the last set, the requisite number is one rep, but the trainee has the encouraged option of cracking off as many as he can get, which is precisely what I planned on doing today.

Overhead press training max is set at 230 lbs.

Warm up sets:
45 x 15
90 x 5
115 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets:
175 x 5
195 x 3
220 x 4

I had set my goal at 6 reps, which I knew to be unrealistic, yet still I wanted to get 5, but it wasn't going to happen today. Even then, 220 for 4 was quite acceptable, indicated progress, albeit slow, and I was content. I did one single at 230 lbs, which was a real struggle. Bumped up to 235, and it just didn't happen. I made two attempts, but the steam and momentum wasn't there.

Assistance work was overhead press at 60%, which was 140 lbs for 5 x 10 reps. That's a good number for some hypertrophy work. Then I did bodyweight chin ups, repping for 13, 9, 8, 5, 5, 5, and then 5.

Feeling sore today, tired too, and it was a good workout. I could have gotten in some dips, but I think that the tire flips yesterday accounted for some triceps as well as overall compound work, so this session was good enough for me. I'm working 3-11 this week, so I need to save some energy for the employer, lol.

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