Saturday, 16 July 2011

16 JUL 11 -- Squats on Saturday

I missed yesterday's training session due to helping family out with some car problems.

New training max for the squat bumps up 10 lbs to 500 lbs:

Warm up sets
135 x 5
205 (200) x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Working sets
325 x 5
375 x 5
425 x 8

I hadn't set a rep goal for today's last set. I wasn't sure what I would be able to do, based on last week's upset. However, 425 x 8 was a satisfying number of reps. If I had been able to hit 10, it would have been red lining it. The reps were all good, and I was a little lightheaded after putting the bar back on the rack, so I know it was maximum effort.

Assistance was brief and to the point: 250 lbs squats for 5 x 10. Nice, deep squats, performed "ass to the grass" style. When I was done, my legs felt rubbery and I was whipped, which, as far as I am concerned, is exactly how a squat workout should leave you feeling.

No extra tire flips this week. I ran out of time and even today's workout was squeezed in.

Next week is the 3 x 3 part of the wave. Hopefully, I will be able to get more events training in. Have a great weekend, and see you on Monday, readers :)

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