Friday, 8 July 2011

08 JUL 11 -- Squatzzz...

Notice the fizzled out title? It's to match the workout today, sigh...

Squat training max set at 490 lbs:

Warm up sets
135 x 5
195 x 5
245 x 5
295 x3

Working sets:
370 x 5
415 x 3
465 x 2

That's right, 465 x 2. I had set the goal for 5 reps, was hoping for at least 4, but that's what I got. I haven't had any rest this week working out, so maybe that's why I got the numbers I did. I did one more single at 475 lbs, but I couldn't get the depth and upward drive that normally would be there, so I called it quits for the heavy squats. Wendler's program only requires the requisite final 1 rep on 5/3/1 week (although the trainee should go for more), so as long as I made the requisite, I'm still ahead in the game. I know those tire flips this week have been extra work for the legs, so I'm also accounting for those too.

I didn't want to leave the gym in a hurry, so I tried experimenting with overhead squats. I've been reading all about the benefits of doing this type of squat, and having tried doing them in the past, and sucking at them, I decided to do two sets of them, with the empty bar for ten reps each set. This, for me, is a hard exercise and I can sense how it will aid both flexibility and core strength when practiced. I might start doing these more often, perhaps as a warm up to the main squat workout. Here's an article about the benefits of the overhead squat:

Two Kinds of Squats You're Not Doing

Another exercise which I have not been doing, yet is recommended by many, including Wendler, is the face pull. I experimented with this one today as well, doing 4 x 10 at 55 lbs, just to see how they work. I don't know if I'll continue with this exercise, as I don't want to throw in too much assistance work, but I'll keep it in the back of the armory just in case.

The plan for tonight is to get more tire flips in, using the lighter tire, so I'll keep you readers posted on how that goes :)

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