Monday, 18 July 2011

18 JUL 11 -- Overhead Press

3 x 3 week of the 5/3/1 program: overhead press training max set at 235 lbs.

Warm up sets
45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets
190 x 3
200 x 3
210 x 6

I had set my goal at 7 reps for today. Once again, I'm on 11-7 shift, and I think it's starting to catch up to me, along with the high summer temperatures we've been having lately. I worked 8 hours overtime on day shift yesterday, on one of the hottest days of the year, shovelling and jackhammering in a crusher hopper. There is the possibility that I'm dehydrated and also tired, as I had to go in for the night shift only 8 hours later.

I decided to work on some push presses again.

215 x2
225 x 1
230 x 1
235 x 1

Disgustingly enough, I tried to heave up 240 lbs,  a weight hoisted easily during last week's session, and couldn't even get it halfway up. I made three attempts, but to no avail.

Assistance work for the day was 5 x 10 military press with 140 lbs. No energy or motivation for chin ups or anything else today. Right now, I'm just interested in going back to bed! Wendler points out in the book that you will have days like this, and he calls the remedy for it, "I"m not doing Jack-Shit-Today". He states that at times, he's been better off for just doing what needs to be done, getting into the gym, training the lifts for the day, and then making a quick exit. This is another reason I enjoy this program, as it is flexible and realistic. I'm not a professional athlete, but a worker and family man with life outside of training. 5/3/1 accomodates guys like myself very well.

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