Tuesday, 12 July 2011

12 JUL 11 -- Dead Lift

Went with the 3 x5 format for dead lift today. Training max bumps up 10 lbs to 510 lbs.

Warm up sets
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 5

It's a real scorcher outside today, and even with the fan on in the gym, I was already sweating it out during the warm up, lol.

Working sets
330 x 5
385 x 5
435 x 5

I stuck with the requisite number of reps for the final set today so I could do some extra work on rack pulls. Next week will be the all-out week for the last set.

Rack pulls were done in a careful manner. The pins were set at the lowest level, basically a 19" dead lift. I rarely do rack pulls, so I started extremely light and went up in gradual increments to get a feel for the mechanics of the lift.

135 x 1, 225 x1, 315 x 1, 405 x 1, 455 x 1, 505 x 1, 545 x 1.

I put six plates on either side of the bar and made ready for a 585 lbs rack pull. I started the pull, but it felt really heavy and I didn't have it in me today to bring it up. It could have been the night shift, the heat today, or maybe I didn't eat enough, but that sucker simply did not want to go into motion. I should have worked up gradually, maybe to 565, instead of red lining it. That's alright, however, because I still got the benefit of seven reps previous to it, paying attention to form and mechanics. I always mentally replay the workout during post-workout downtime and analyze what I did. Today, I think that if I had used more glute tension and hip drive, I would have been able to start the bar in motion for the 585 pull. On next week's workout, I'll work on that.

Tension is very important for heavy lifting. That's a no-brainer, but it is a principle which needs full utilization. I have found that by gripping the bar with all my might, I have been able to crack off some serious rep work on a new weight. This applies to anything, including bench press and squats. Between workouts, I like to practice tension exercises, such as making fists and squeezing as hard as possible. Glute activation is also important, and even on lifts such as overhead press, extreme glute tension makes the lift. It's good training for cracking walnuts too...Buns of Steel, lol!!

A great tune from Soundgarden:

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