Sunday, 3 July 2011

03 JUL 11 -- Events/Cardio

Had to work 8 hours overtime today. However, I managed to do some double-dipping: before I left work, I brought one of the 540 lbs tires over to the employee parking lot for some flips. I work in the mining sector, and big tires are always laying around. So, I did some basic events training, which also served as a cardio session, due to the type of work involved.

540 lbs tire flipped:

1 set of 10, rest
3 sets of 5 with some rest in between, for a total of 25 flips.

The tire for the competition I have in mind is 700 lbs, and will require roughly 10-12 flips in as fast a time as possible. Last year, during training, I injured my left arm doing some tire flips for the first time, and yes, it was with a 700 lbs tire. It was wet, I lost my grip during a flip on the raise, and made the stupid mistake of trying to catch it as it fell back. Dumb, and my arm was still injured during the competition several weeks later, as was my right side from a different injury. This session today was the second set of tire flips I've done this year, and I figure that I'll start lighter, do more reps and also  more frequent sessions to build up my form and my stamina. When I'm ready, I'll move upwards to some heavier tire work, maybe in a week or two. Right now, I want to get in at least 50 tire flips this week, so I've got 25 more to go. This week, starting on Monday, I'm going into the 5/3/1 part of the wave, so it'll be maximum weight for maximum reps, and heavy singles too. No point in killing myself today, although I did work up a lot of sweat under the blazing sun this afternoon with the tire. She's a scorcher today, and if it were not for the breeze, it would be absolutely brutal.

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