Friday, 29 July 2011

29 JUL 11 -- Squatting

5/3/1 day for squats. Training max is 500 lbs.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
205 x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Working sets

375 x 5
425 x 3
475 x 2

I just stuck with the requisite workout today, with no assistance work. I plan on doing some tire flips at work tonight. Even the last set was kept to one above requisite.

Worked a bit on power cleans. I haven't done these in a while, and I should be training these more often.

95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 3
185 x 2 x 3

The cold is ebbing a little, but unfortunately, it's still there and I'm stuffed up and coughing still. :(

Thursday, 28 July 2011

28 JUL 11 -- Cold Benchin'

You just gotta luv those summer colds! (Sarcastic voice)

 I am feeling tired, crappy and weak. This cold has really done a number on me. I am, however, still training. Today's bench training max is 340 lbs, and it's 5/3/1 day.

Warm up sets
45 x 25
135 x 5
170 x 5
205 x 3

I did 5 chin ups, bodyweight, during the warm up sets.

Working sets
255 x 5
290 x 3
325 x 5

I had set the goal for 6 reps, but as stated, I'm feeling weak today. Once I'm recovered from this stupid cold, I'll probably have an increase in strength from fighting it.

Assistance work was performed with sweat and plodding effort.

Close-grip bench press 205 lbs for 4 x 10, 185 lbs x 10 (triceps were feeling deflated, lol).
Bodyweight chin ups 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5 (today's total = 50 chin ups).
Hammer curls 50 lbs dumbbells 4 x 10, 40 lbs x 10.

That's it, nothing spectacular, just short reps on my all-out bench set and a runny nose with a cough.

In case you're wondering, I made sure I wiped the equipment down with anti-bacterial spray and paper towel. I always do ;)

Another Soundgarden tune, one of my favourites:

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

26 JUL 11 -- Oh, Those Summer Colds!

I think my youngest son brought a cold home from day camp. I watched him struggle with it through his baseball tournament last Saturday, never realizing what a doozey it actually was, until I caught it yesterday. Today, my head is pounding, and I feel like crap: sore throat, runny nose and all that other good stuff that the viral world has so lovingly bequeathed to mankind. I took some Cold-FX this morning, trying it for the first time, and I think it helped enough so I could get through my workout, clearing up some of the congestion and heavy-headedness. Summer colds are the worst ones, so they say.

Dead lift on 5/3/1 week, with a training max of 510 lbs.

Warm up sets

205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets

385 x 5
435 x 3
485 x 5

I had it in me for at least another rep or two, but I kept at 5 reps today. Afterwards, I did one single at 515 lbs, but didn't have it in me to do anymore. I'm not going to push it while sick, and I still need to get some tire flips in, probably tomorrow.

Assistance work was as light as it gets.

Barbell shrugs 5 x 15 with 225 lbs.
Face pulls 3 x 10 with 60 lbs.

I was thinking of doing some sit ups, but with the tire flips this week, that should be enough core work there. Hopefully, I can get through this cold as quickly as possible. I really don't need to be wrestling with a bad cold at this stage before the comp.

Monday, 25 July 2011

25 JUL 11 -- Overhead and Push Press

It's the beginning of 5/3/1 week and there's no better way to start it then to hit the overhead press. Training max is 235 lbs.

Warm up sets
45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets
175 x 5
200 x 3
225 x 3

I had set the goal at 4 reps, and maybe I could've squeezed out another, but the 3 reps I hit on this one were plenty of work! It is often said that the overhead press is the slowest to increase, and I always find this one very difficult.  However, I am pleased to get that many reps at that weight. Seeing 4 big plates on the bar, and repping them, is something I could only dream of last year. So, progress has been made. Although it seems a long way off, at some time in the future I'll be doing 315 lbs -- 6 big plates-- and then I will be looking back in the training log and smiling at my struggles with this weight, lol. When I look at my log going back to 2009, I see myself sweating with weights that I use for the warm up now.

I worked on the push press again, trying to get used to the mechanics of thrusting a heavy weight into the air with a compound movement of legs, shoulders and triceps.

235 x 1
240 x 1
220 x 2 x 2 (stripping down as 240 was a max effort)
210 x 3, 3, rest a bit and 4

Due to the extra heavy work today, I cut back on the other assistance, and just did military press with 135 lbs for 3 x 10. No chin ups or dips today. I don't know what Wendler's opinion would be regarding all the extra push presses that I did today, adding heavy work onto max effort work, but at this point before the competition, I don't see any other option than to train harder.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

24 JUL 11 -- Squat Sunday

Two days where I missed my squat workout. Friday, I was so tired from the night shifts, plus running around doing errrands,  I never made it to the gym. Saturday, my youngest son had a baseball tournament in the morning till afternoon. It was so hot outside, that by the time I was feeling recovered, it was almost closing time for the gym (they close at 5 p.m. on Saturday), so I never made it down there. Which, incidentally, may have been a good thing, because the extra rest added to a comeback which culminated in a very good workout today: a squat workout which was remedial for the upset of two squat sessions ago.

Squat training max is 500 lbs, and today is the 3 x 3 session in the wave.

Warm up sets

135 x 5
205 x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Working sets

405 x 3 (added 5 lbs to make it an even 8 plates)
425 x 3
450 x 6

The reps were all nice and smooth, and I was feeling pumped for some more.


465 x 1
475 x 1
490 x 1
500 x 1

The last single was the most I have ever squatted, and I could have added more. My depth was a bit above where I would have liked it, but it was still a nice squat. For assistance work today, I forsook the regular 5 x 10 with 50% to work more on power. I set the pins in the rack and trained the quarter-squat, where you go down a quarter of the distance and then up again:

570 x 5
585 x 5
600 x 5

I was going to do some speed squats at 225 lbs, but the 5 reps I put up were not fast at all, although I went as deep as I could, ass to the grass. At that point, I knew my legs were steamed out, so I called it for the day.  It was an excellent workout, I had some great results, and squatting an even 500 lbs was a nice boost for the confidence. Overall, I'm very happy.

By the way, I have reached one of my goals for 2011. One down, four more to go :)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

21 JUL 11 -- Bench

Bench 3 x 3 with a training max of 340 lbs.

Warm up sets

45 x 25
135 x 5
170 x 5
205 x 3

Working sets

270 x 3
290 x 3
305 x 8

The left tricep has been feeling a little sore lately, and today I was feeling that soreness during the warm up and first two working sets. I had set my goal for 10 reps today, but was only able to crank out 8. Not certain why, but it could possibly be due to the night shifts, the heat, so forth. I am still 5 reps ahead of the requisite number of 3, however, so that's good for now.

Trained some singles afterwards:

325 x 2 (just felt like doing 2)
335 x 1
345 x 1

I was feeling sluggish during the assistance work today, and it seemed difficult as I waded through it.

Bench press 225 x 10, 205 x 10, and close grip bench press 205 for 3 x 10.
Bodyweight chin ups 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, and 5.

That was it, and I don't think I could have done anymore, as I was just feeling sapped today. Next week I am on 3-11 shift, so I am hoping for more crispness in the next week's workouts. I will also be hitting the tire again next week, as well as planning for some farmer's walk work too.

I was thinking today after the workout of how awesome it will be to see 4 big plates on either side of the bar for bench press.  I am looking forward to that day, and after this competition in August, I may change things around to speed up bench improvement. As stated in a previous entry, I am more interested in getting a bigger bench than anything else. I don't know why that is, but it is a goal which I am focused on, and the day I can get a 405 lbs bench is the day I plan to celebrate.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

19 JUL 11 -- Dead Lift

Today was a lot better than yesterday. I had more sleep, uninterrupted as well, opting to hit the gym at suppertime, instead of in the afternoon. The extra sleep made a difference.

Dead lift training max is 510 lbs, and it's 3 x 3 day.

Warm up sets
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 3

Working sets
410 x 3
435 x 3
460 x 8

The last set felt very good, and I could have squeezed out 10 reps. Then I worked on singles:

515 x 1
520 x 1
535 x 1

The last one felt awesome, went up smooth, and I had a nice lockout at the top which I maintained while enjoying the feeling of having heaved this bitch. Definitely a better workout than yesterday!

Assistance work was light and controlled:

Barbell shrugs 5 x 10 with 225 lbs.
Chin ups 3 x 10 bodyweight (to make up for missing yesterday's)
Facepulls 3 x10 with 60 lbs (for variation)
Incline sit ups 2 x 20 bodweight.

Tomorrow, I'll do some hill sprints or sled pulls. It's supposed to be really hot and humid outside, so we'll see how that goes. I read a news report stating that the rest of the summer is going to be like this. Wow.....

A little Alice In Chains for the day `~`

Monday, 18 July 2011

18 JUL 11 -- Overhead Press

3 x 3 week of the 5/3/1 program: overhead press training max set at 235 lbs.

Warm up sets
45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets
190 x 3
200 x 3
210 x 6

I had set my goal at 7 reps for today. Once again, I'm on 11-7 shift, and I think it's starting to catch up to me, along with the high summer temperatures we've been having lately. I worked 8 hours overtime on day shift yesterday, on one of the hottest days of the year, shovelling and jackhammering in a crusher hopper. There is the possibility that I'm dehydrated and also tired, as I had to go in for the night shift only 8 hours later.

I decided to work on some push presses again.

215 x2
225 x 1
230 x 1
235 x 1

Disgustingly enough, I tried to heave up 240 lbs,  a weight hoisted easily during last week's session, and couldn't even get it halfway up. I made three attempts, but to no avail.

Assistance work for the day was 5 x 10 military press with 140 lbs. No energy or motivation for chin ups or anything else today. Right now, I'm just interested in going back to bed! Wendler points out in the book that you will have days like this, and he calls the remedy for it, "I"m not doing Jack-Shit-Today". He states that at times, he's been better off for just doing what needs to be done, getting into the gym, training the lifts for the day, and then making a quick exit. This is another reason I enjoy this program, as it is flexible and realistic. I'm not a professional athlete, but a worker and family man with life outside of training. 5/3/1 accomodates guys like myself very well.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

16 JUL 11 -- Squats on Saturday

I missed yesterday's training session due to helping family out with some car problems.

New training max for the squat bumps up 10 lbs to 500 lbs:

Warm up sets
135 x 5
205 (200) x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Working sets
325 x 5
375 x 5
425 x 8

I hadn't set a rep goal for today's last set. I wasn't sure what I would be able to do, based on last week's upset. However, 425 x 8 was a satisfying number of reps. If I had been able to hit 10, it would have been red lining it. The reps were all good, and I was a little lightheaded after putting the bar back on the rack, so I know it was maximum effort.

Assistance was brief and to the point: 250 lbs squats for 5 x 10. Nice, deep squats, performed "ass to the grass" style. When I was done, my legs felt rubbery and I was whipped, which, as far as I am concerned, is exactly how a squat workout should leave you feeling.

No extra tire flips this week. I ran out of time and even today's workout was squeezed in.

Next week is the 3 x 3 part of the wave. Hopefully, I will be able to get more events training in. Have a great weekend, and see you on Monday, readers :)

Thursday, 14 July 2011

14 JUL 11 -- Bench Thursday

Bench on Thursday, with the training max upped by 5 lbs to 340 lbs.

Warm up sets
45 x 25
135 x 5
170 x 5
205 x 3

Working sets
225 x5 (should be 220, but easier to put four big plates on, lol)
255 x 5
290 x 11

Okay, on this last set, I was aiming for 12 reps, and probably would have got them, but I was having a battle of wills with a friggin' fly that was in the gym! I'm benching away and the damn thing was trying to land on my face! So, I kept blowing at it and trying to shoo it away, all the while losing mental focus on the lift. At least I got the requisite number of 5 reps, and may have been better for it by keeping an extra rep in the hole. Who knows, maybe it was divine providence that sent the fly in the gym to ensure I didn't overdo it. Do you think it's true what is often said, that there is a reason for everything?

Assistance work was basic and to the point.

Dumbbell incline presses for 5 x 10 with 75 lbs dumbbells. Felt good, no snags, no flies, lol.
Bodyweight chins. I broke the chins up into sets of 10 for the first three sets, instead of one all-out set at the beginning: 10, 10, 10, 5, 6, 5, 5 = 51 total and 101 total chins for the week.
Dumbell one-arm rows 2 sets of 10 with 100 lbs, and 10 x 120 lbs on the right, and 8 x 120 on the left.
My left wrist is sore today, so I didn't want to push it too hard.

I stayed a bit longer in the gym to help spot a young fellow who was training his bench. He's doing good, working up to a set of 265 for 6 reps. I would judge his bodyweight to be around 170-180 lbs, so he's doing very well indeed. There was another guy, older, who was working on overhead press with 135 lbs.  I gave him some tips on form, specifically glute tension, to help his lift. I mentioned that glute tension is a major part of the overhead press, as well as other lifts such as the squat, and how it is often underutilized. "There's a reason why it's the biggest muscle in the body", I pointed out. When in the gym, I avoid being a busybody, and rarely give advice except when asked. This fellow seemed appreciative of the tips, and I congratulated him on training the overhead press, because it's a lift that not many people perform. I'll have to admit here that up until last year, I never trained the overhead press, usually just doing seated dumbbell presses for reps, and lateral raises. I'm learning a lot about lifting and I have, through the help of others, been able to identify the importance of the overhead press. I wish that I had spent more time on this lift in the past and put more emphasis on it, placing it in equal conjunction with the bench press, which I have always done.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

13 JUL 11 -- Events/Cardio

I am starting to really like this double-dipping.

During my coffee break, which is at 1:00 a.m., I did some work with the 660 lbs tire. This time, it was ten consecutive flips, with no rest between. The flips felt stronger, and although breathing hard at the end, I could tell this was a great improvement since last session. Then I worked on fast triples, doing 5 sets of them. It was a good way to work on both speed and form, although my hand is getting scraped up from the tire, leaving blood mixed with the dust.

Today's total = 660 lbs tire x 25 flips.

I will now take it easy for the rest of the day, get some sleep after the night's shift, and enjoy watching my youngest son play his baseball game tonight.

See you on Thursday for bench presses. Tire flip part deux will be on Friday or Saturday so I can get my 50 flips for the week's total. Ciao!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

12 JUL 11 -- Dead Lift

Went with the 3 x5 format for dead lift today. Training max bumps up 10 lbs to 510 lbs.

Warm up sets
205 x 5
255 x 5
305 x 5

It's a real scorcher outside today, and even with the fan on in the gym, I was already sweating it out during the warm up, lol.

Working sets
330 x 5
385 x 5
435 x 5

I stuck with the requisite number of reps for the final set today so I could do some extra work on rack pulls. Next week will be the all-out week for the last set.

Rack pulls were done in a careful manner. The pins were set at the lowest level, basically a 19" dead lift. I rarely do rack pulls, so I started extremely light and went up in gradual increments to get a feel for the mechanics of the lift.

135 x 1, 225 x1, 315 x 1, 405 x 1, 455 x 1, 505 x 1, 545 x 1.

I put six plates on either side of the bar and made ready for a 585 lbs rack pull. I started the pull, but it felt really heavy and I didn't have it in me today to bring it up. It could have been the night shift, the heat today, or maybe I didn't eat enough, but that sucker simply did not want to go into motion. I should have worked up gradually, maybe to 565, instead of red lining it. That's alright, however, because I still got the benefit of seven reps previous to it, paying attention to form and mechanics. I always mentally replay the workout during post-workout downtime and analyze what I did. Today, I think that if I had used more glute tension and hip drive, I would have been able to start the bar in motion for the 585 pull. On next week's workout, I'll work on that.

Tension is very important for heavy lifting. That's a no-brainer, but it is a principle which needs full utilization. I have found that by gripping the bar with all my might, I have been able to crack off some serious rep work on a new weight. This applies to anything, including bench press and squats. Between workouts, I like to practice tension exercises, such as making fists and squeezing as hard as possible. Glute activation is also important, and even on lifts such as overhead press, extreme glute tension makes the lift. It's good training for cracking walnuts too...Buns of Steel, lol!!

A great tune from Soundgarden:

Monday, 11 July 2011

11 JUL 11 -- Overhead Press

Had a day of rest yesterday. I needed it!

I've got 5 weeks before the competition, so I am reverting to the normal layout of 5/3/1, while skipping the deload weeks (which would have been this week). I'll save the deload for after the competition. Like a kid cramming for exams, I want to get as much training and practice into these next few weeks as possible, then take a brief rest before the day of the competition.

Overhead press bumps up 5 lbs as I'm into a new wave, so the training max is now 235 lbs:

Warm up sets
45 x 15
95 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets
155 x 5
175 x 5
200 x 8

In previous waves, I've hit 9 reps on 200 lbs. I may have been able to do one more, but stopped there. Then, because I need the practice, I decided to work on some push presses. I don't have a log press to train with for the competition (I am going to have to get one of these at some point if I continue in this sport), so the push press is a good substitute for log press training, as it trains the same mechanics and motions.

205 x 2, 225 x 2, 230 x 2, 235 x 1, and 240 x 1

I haven't done any push presses in a long time, so these were much needed. I think Wendler would have me do these on the 3x3, or 5/3/1 weeks, but as stated, I needed the practice. They went up nice and smooth.

Assistance work was military press for 5 x 10 at 140 lbs, followed by bodyweight chin ups (13, 9, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6 = total of 50). I am working 11-7 shift again, and I think it showed on the chin ups. I felt clumsy jumping up for the bar, and actually started giggling before the last set because I was wondering if I was going to be able to make the jump. Don't mind me, I'm crazy!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Double-Dipping and Tire-Flipping

I worked 8 hours overtime today on day shift. At lunchtime, I once again hit the 660 pound tire. It was really hot, over 40 celsius, but I still wanted to get that tire flippin' around to get in some more practice for the event. It was actually a good workout, with 8 quick flips/no pauses, a break for a sip of water, and then some more in snappy doubles and a final sequence of 4 non-paused flips. The tire went up smooth, I felt stronger on the flips, and managed to work out a total of 21 flips. I could have done more, but I didn't want to overdo it, both because of the blazing sun and the heat, as well as a left wrist that was starting to feel a little sore.

So the final tally for tire flips this week:

25 flips on Sunday with the 540 lbs tire,
39 flips on Wednesday and Saturday with the 660 lbs tire =
64 total for this week.

I am happy with all the work this week. Hitting the tire for this many reps was great for building not only strength and form, but also confidence. Injuring myself last summer while flipping a tire for the first time didn't do much to inspire me, but putting in some solid work with the tires this week helped a lot. I really enjoyed this session today, and a few of my co-workers who were watching seemed impressed with the exercise.

By the way, my right wrist looks very bruised, lol.

Friday, 8 July 2011

A Miner's Workout

I never got around to flipping tires tonight. As I've stated before, I'm a miner, a surface miner to be precise, and over the years I've spent a lot of time with the most primitive tools of this occupation, namely shovels of all types, sledgehammers, wheelbarrows, picks, and all sorts of steel bars that poke, drive and pry, both short and long and always heavy. Not to detract from what the guy in this video is demonstrating, but having done this type of activity for a living for almost a quarter of a century, I can think of better ways to get some exercise.

Tonight, for instance, I spent eight hours on the "poor man's backhoe", cleaning up spillage underneath a conveyor belt that literally stretches for almost a half-mile. Shoveling rock and stonedust, and lifting large rocks which had fallen off the belt, I sweated my way through tonight's 3-11 shift, all the while thinking of how good that cold beer was going to taste when I got home! Nowadays, I spend more time on giant-sized equipment such as Caterpillar loaders and haul trucks, but if I had to count the number of shovelfuls of material I've scooped up over the years, the count would be in the high tens of thousands. Conveyor belts and handling systems are never spillage free, and someone is always needed to clean the mess. I could tell you about the plugs that I've freed up, but I will spare you the boring details only to say that a workout which sets a sledgehammer and bar versus a rock plug is much less appealing than time in the gym doing squats and biceps curls.

I'll get back to the tire flipping at a later time. I think the guy in the video would have been happy with my performance tonight.

08 JUL 11 -- Squatzzz...

Notice the fizzled out title? It's to match the workout today, sigh...

Squat training max set at 490 lbs:

Warm up sets
135 x 5
195 x 5
245 x 5
295 x3

Working sets:
370 x 5
415 x 3
465 x 2

That's right, 465 x 2. I had set the goal for 5 reps, was hoping for at least 4, but that's what I got. I haven't had any rest this week working out, so maybe that's why I got the numbers I did. I did one more single at 475 lbs, but I couldn't get the depth and upward drive that normally would be there, so I called it quits for the heavy squats. Wendler's program only requires the requisite final 1 rep on 5/3/1 week (although the trainee should go for more), so as long as I made the requisite, I'm still ahead in the game. I know those tire flips this week have been extra work for the legs, so I'm also accounting for those too.

I didn't want to leave the gym in a hurry, so I tried experimenting with overhead squats. I've been reading all about the benefits of doing this type of squat, and having tried doing them in the past, and sucking at them, I decided to do two sets of them, with the empty bar for ten reps each set. This, for me, is a hard exercise and I can sense how it will aid both flexibility and core strength when practiced. I might start doing these more often, perhaps as a warm up to the main squat workout. Here's an article about the benefits of the overhead squat:

Two Kinds of Squats You're Not Doing

Another exercise which I have not been doing, yet is recommended by many, including Wendler, is the face pull. I experimented with this one today as well, doing 4 x 10 at 55 lbs, just to see how they work. I don't know if I'll continue with this exercise, as I don't want to throw in too much assistance work, but I'll keep it in the back of the armory just in case.

The plan for tonight is to get more tire flips in, using the lighter tire, so I'll keep you readers posted on how that goes :)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

07 JUL 11 -- Bench Press

The wrist is holding up, but there will be a good bruise there for a while. My left thigh feels like it has a charley horse, due to the weight of the tire slamming down on it a couple of times yesterday. Other than that, ready to lift.

Bench with a training max set at 335 lbs:

45 x 25
135 x 5
170 x 5
205 x 3

Then, the working sets:

250 x 5
285 x 3
320 x 5

I had set the goal for the day at 6 reps, but my spotter was literally ready to run out the door as he had to get to a business meeting, but was still gracious enough to provide a spot as no one else was around. I know I could have gotten 6 if my concentration was more focused, but as Wendler points out, keeping one or two in the hole is actually of greater benefit than going to failure all the time. I'll take his experience on this as a guide.

Two singles followed, which I felt confident to push up without benefit of spotter: 335 x 1, and 340 x 1.

For assistance work, normally I would work a chest/bench movement, such as close-grip bench or incline dumbbell bench, but today, I wanted to get more work in for the shoulders and triceps, so I opted for 5 x 10 military press with 135 lbs. I reasoned that the extra work for the overhead press would still be of benefit to the bench press, and at this point, I want to focus as much on overhead press as possible with the approaching August event.

Chin ups: 13, 9, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5 = 50 total and 100 total overall for this week, just as I planned to do. The chin ups are feeling stronger everytime I do them, and I probably could have done 14 on the first set if I had pushed it.

I am using the Monster Mass first thing in the morning, upon awakening, and then hitting the gym an hour or so later, which falls in line with Cytosport's recommendation of consuming their drink 45-60 minutes before the workout. Just before going out the door, I also have a serving of Black Powder mixed with water. Since starting the Monster Mass, the last three gym workouts have been pretty good, and to my eye, I seem to be getting some extra size on the arms, especially the biceps.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

06 JUL 11 -- Man vs. Tire

Today is a day off from weight lifting, although cardio or conditioning is still supposed to be done. Ideally, I would have done some hill sprints, weighted sled pulls and the like. However, I decided it would be more fun to take my youngest son out for breakfast at a local diner and then spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon with him. My wife was working today, so later I had to take him to my parents so he could be looked after while I went to work for a 3-11 shift. Quality time with the kids is just that, and is always a priority over training.

Once again, more double-dipping on the job. I had a 660 lbs tire brought over to the parking lot, and during my lunch break, I forsook food to feast instead on heavy exertion, sweat, and lots of oxygen which my lungs were heaving for! I hadn't flipped a tire that heavy since last August's strongman competition, and on the first flip, I knew that the flips weren't going to be as quick and smooth as Sunday's session with the 540-pounder. It was hard work and the form I practiced on Sunday basically went out the window with the bigger tire, lol.

So, the first round was ten consecutive flips, with pauses increasing steadily as I went along. The tire was full of water and each flip splashed out a puddle as it moved forward. I realized that to gain a competitive time for the August event, I'm going to have to:

a. Develop more speed and fluidity.
b. Practice, practice, practice.

I have the strength to flip the tire, but I will need better form, improved economy of motion, and better conditioning to increase speed. This of course will come with training and lots of practice, but the glowing fact remains that some competitors are going to have more than just an edge, as they practice tire flips on a regular basis and will have more experience on this event than me. I'll keep at it regardless.

I worked on a second set of 5 flips, and on this set, I lost some momentum on the fourth flip, resulting in the tire coming back down and hitting my right wrist. It's swollen at the moment, and I'll be getting a nice bruise within several hours.

After a short rest, I did two fast flips to see what my time was while a co-worker monitored the watch. 13 seconds for two flips, or 6.5 seconds average for one. I need 6 seconds for one flip, and the means to deliver ten flips with no rest or pause. One final flip and I called it a wrap, being careful not to overdo it with an anticipated wrist injury on the way. The total was 18 flips.

I think that later this week, possibly Friday, I will work some tire flips again. I am considering using the 540 tire, and training with it for cardio, shooting for up to thirty fast flips. We'll see how it goes over the next two days with this wrist.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

05 JUL 11 -- Dead Lift

5/3/1 dead lift day!

Warm up sets:
205 (supposed to be 200, but it's easier to just throw on two 35 lbs plates to make it 205) x 5
250 x 5
300 x 3

Then, the working sets, following the 5/3/1 sequence, at 75, 85, and then 95% of the training max, which this week is set at 500 lbs:

375 x 5
425 x 3 (had to pause before the third one to reestablish my left grip)
475 x 6
Using the one-rep max calculator which Wendler reveals in his book, the one-rep max based on the final set is as follows:

475 x 6 x .0333 + 475 569.91 lbs for a ballpark one-rep max.
(Weight x reps x .0333 + weight = one rep max)

I have found this ballpark calculator to be actually reasonably accurate, plus or minus ten lbs. It's certainly a good way to gauge one's progress and can be used to determine training maxes for the neophyte starting the program.

Then I did two singles of dead lifts: 515 x 1, 530 x 1, although on the last one, I wasn't in full lockout. The bar seemed snagged, was rubbing on my thigh and just didn't want to move. It was a good session nevertheless.

Assistance work: barbell shrugs, 225x20, and 315 for 3 x 10. One arm dumbbell rows with 100 lbs for 2 sets of 10 each arm, and then 120 lbs for a set of 10 with each arm. I finished with 3 x 15 BW sit ups on the incline board.

In a previous entry, I mentioned how I generally don't use protein powders. However, with 5 weeks left of training for the August competition, I figured I would try a new powder called "Monster Mass", as marketed by Cytosport. I'll be training harder for the next several weeks, and will need the extra nutrients to fuel the workouts and aid in rebuilding and recovery afterwards: with a whopping 600 calories per serving, plus 50 grams of protein, I think the Monster Mass will help the cause. It has a decent taste, probably the best I've sampled so far, and surprisingly, blends perfectly, with no residue or clumps. I'll review this product in the future, once I am able to determine the full effects:

Monster Mass

Monday, 4 July 2011

04 JUL 11 -- Overhead Press

Happy Independence Day to the American readers!

It's 5/3/1 week, with the working sets following the inverted rep pyramid scheme of that number sequence, with the percentages set at 75, 85, then 95% of the training max number. On the last set, the requisite number is one rep, but the trainee has the encouraged option of cracking off as many as he can get, which is precisely what I planned on doing today.

Overhead press training max is set at 230 lbs.

Warm up sets:
45 x 15
90 x 5
115 x 5
140 x 3

Working sets:
175 x 5
195 x 3
220 x 4

I had set my goal at 6 reps, which I knew to be unrealistic, yet still I wanted to get 5, but it wasn't going to happen today. Even then, 220 for 4 was quite acceptable, indicated progress, albeit slow, and I was content. I did one single at 230 lbs, which was a real struggle. Bumped up to 235, and it just didn't happen. I made two attempts, but the steam and momentum wasn't there.

Assistance work was overhead press at 60%, which was 140 lbs for 5 x 10 reps. That's a good number for some hypertrophy work. Then I did bodyweight chin ups, repping for 13, 9, 8, 5, 5, 5, and then 5.

Feeling sore today, tired too, and it was a good workout. I could have gotten in some dips, but I think that the tire flips yesterday accounted for some triceps as well as overall compound work, so this session was good enough for me. I'm working 3-11 this week, so I need to save some energy for the employer, lol.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

03 JUL 11 -- Events/Cardio

Had to work 8 hours overtime today. However, I managed to do some double-dipping: before I left work, I brought one of the 540 lbs tires over to the employee parking lot for some flips. I work in the mining sector, and big tires are always laying around. So, I did some basic events training, which also served as a cardio session, due to the type of work involved.

540 lbs tire flipped:

1 set of 10, rest
3 sets of 5 with some rest in between, for a total of 25 flips.

The tire for the competition I have in mind is 700 lbs, and will require roughly 10-12 flips in as fast a time as possible. Last year, during training, I injured my left arm doing some tire flips for the first time, and yes, it was with a 700 lbs tire. It was wet, I lost my grip during a flip on the raise, and made the stupid mistake of trying to catch it as it fell back. Dumb, and my arm was still injured during the competition several weeks later, as was my right side from a different injury. This session today was the second set of tire flips I've done this year, and I figure that I'll start lighter, do more reps and also  more frequent sessions to build up my form and my stamina. When I'm ready, I'll move upwards to some heavier tire work, maybe in a week or two. Right now, I want to get in at least 50 tire flips this week, so I've got 25 more to go. This week, starting on Monday, I'm going into the 5/3/1 part of the wave, so it'll be maximum weight for maximum reps, and heavy singles too. No point in killing myself today, although I did work up a lot of sweat under the blazing sun this afternoon with the tire. She's a scorcher today, and if it were not for the breeze, it would be absolutely brutal.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

02 JUL 11 -- Squat 3x5

Well, I never got around to that set of curls in the basement home gym. I did, however, indulge in several beers last night. It's the long weekend, and yesterday was our national holiday (I'm Canadian), so I spent the evening at home with my family, enjoyed some cold beers while sitting on the deck, and turned my attention upwards to some stargazing while reclining on a rather comfortable deck chair. Intermittently, there were fireworks going off in the distance, which was especially to my advantage as my house sits on a high hill overlooking the town. Cold beer, comfortable chair, starry sky and fireworks, all in the setting of a breezy summer night. Life's finer moments to be savoured.

Now, for some training results.

The training max for the squat is 490 lbs, and this is 3x5 week of the 5/3/1 program:

Warm up sets:
135 x 5 (not part of the program, but I always like to warm up with two plates so I can stretch my way downwards a little more for a deeper squat)
195 x 5
245 x 5
295 x 3

Working sets:
320 x 5
370 x 5 (the sets were going very smoothly and I was feeling strong on these numbers)
415 x 10

The requisite number was supposed to be 5 reps, and Wendler would have me stay with the requisite this week, but like my last workout, I wanted to see what I could handle at that weight. I had to make some slight pauses on the last three reps, and the last one was a real upward struggle, but I cracked them off, met my goal for the day (10 reps was what I set the goal at), and then had to catch my breath after I came out of the rack. I was very happy with the max set.

Assistance work was simply going back to 50% of the working max, 245 lbs, and doing 5 x10 squats, working on going deep, and striving for the benefit that only deep squatting can give. Afterwards, I did hammer curls for 3 x10 with 50 lbs dumbbells, training both arms to go up simultaneously, not alternately. I would have done 5 x 10, but I needed to get back to the house, as I was running out of time.

I had a discussion about training in between sets with a young fellow, a high school kid who has just graduated. A member of our national paralympic soccer team, he wants to develop a superstrong bench press, so I referred him to check out the Ryan Kennelly program, which is essentially the Westside method of training, utilizing a max effort and dynamic effort split for lifts. Ryan is the world's best bencher, as you can see in this video, throwing 1050 lbs off his chest: