Saturday, 1 September 2012

Dead Lift September

There's no better way to ring in the new month than with a set of dead lifts.

My updated working max for the dead lift is 415 lbs. Training the 5+ lifts, I sluggishly made my way through the warm up sets (I worked a twelve-hour night shift, slept a few hours, then hit the gym), then dove into the working sets, 65, 75 and 85%:

270 x 5
310 x 5
355 x 15

My rep goal was 13 reps, but I decided to go a little further and see if I could get a full 15. That set felt great, and I think I could've added two more reps on red line effort.

Assistance work today was a combination of "I'm-not-doing-Jack-Shit" and "Let's train the grip and the traps". No accessory dead lifting, chin ups or rows, but I went at barbell shrugs to strengthen the traps and grip.

225 x 30
245 x 10
265 x 10
285 x 10

Finished up with two sets of 15 incline sit ups, and then made my way for home.

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