Sunday, 23 September 2012

23 SEP 12 -- A New Cycle Begins

Started another cycle, with today being the overhead press portion of it. It was a 5+ workout, using a new training max of 195 lbs.

Warm ups, starting at the empty bar for 15 reps:

40%  = 80 x 5
50% = 100 x 5
60% = 120 x 3

Working sets:

65% = 125 x 5
75% = 145 x 5
85% = 165 x 16

In between coaching squat sets for my son, I worked on some assistance movements:

Standing dumbbell presses 50 lbs dumbbells for 5 x 10
Chin ups at bodyweight for 10, 6, 5
Hammer curls with the 40 lbs dumbbells for 3 x 10

I haven't been doing many chin ups lately, so I'll need to get these in more often, even if it just a few in between sets of pressing movements. Also, I should have stuck with the requisite number of "5" for the last working set at 85%, but I was too pumped to stop. I was listening to some Pantera on my MP3 player, and couldn't stop from going full throttle.

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