Monday, 10 September 2012

10 SEP 12-- Bench 275 x 12

I have an addiction. It's not a bad addiction, but it is certainly time-consuming. I love playing computer chess. Chess is a game which I have been playing since I was 9 years old, having been introduced to it by my dad. Watching him play a game against my oldest sister one day, I decided then and there that I too was going to learn this fascinating boardgame. I've been hooked ever since. While no Bobby Fischer, I can be a tough opponent, and I have learned from every game that I have played, win or lose. As a history buff, another aspect of the game which appeals to me is its origins. Chess is an ancient game, going even beyond medieval times, supposedly back to the Persians, from which the game derives its name (Chess = shah = king). Many peoples have played this game throughout history, both European and Asian.

It was on account of this addiction that I never got to bed till midnight. Deprived of sleep due to my chess gaming, I was feeling stale for the first part of the workout today. Mind you, it was a good workout, but recovery and sleep go hand-in-hand, so I need to focus more on this aspect.

Bench training max is 305 lbs and it is 3+ day.

80% = 245 x 3
85% = 260 x 3
90% = 275 x 12

The rep goal for today was twelve, and I was able to meet it despite how I was feeling. According to the one- rep max calculator, that puts the bench at around 380 or so.

Three singles at 305, 315, and 325.

Assistance work:

Incline dumbbell press 50 lbs dumbbells for 3 x 15 and one final set of 20.
Single dumbbell rows 100 lbs dumbbell for 3 x 10 each side.

I was going to do 5 x 10 on the rows, but the gym was starting to fill up this morning and I just felt like ending things on that account. Trying to do a hard-core workout while seeing a guy doing sit ups on a Pilates ball in the squat rack is just a little too much some days :(

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