Friday, 31 August 2012

31 AUG 12 -- Overhead Press

I am skipping the deload this week. The program calls for a deload after every wave, but since I am too eager to do so, I'll wait until the end of this new wave before I take one. Two waves, then deload.

The overhead press goes up 5 lbs, so my new working max is 190 lbs, and this week, I'm in the 5+ cycle.

Warm ups starting with the empty bar, then 40. 50 and 60%.

Working sets 65, 75, and 85%:

125 x 5
145 x 5
160 x 15

My rep goal was 13, but I was feeling strong, and decided to see how far I could take it. I could've added another, but stayed "in the tank" instead.

Assistance work was light and smooth: 8 consecutive chin ups at bodyweight, followed by accessory overhead presses for 5 x 10 at 115 lbs (on the last set, I added two reps for a total of 12).

I have been working on the so-called "false grip" while overhead pressing, and it really does work for refining the movement and gaining extra power on it. Thanks to Wendler and others who have written articles on this method.

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