Sunday, 16 September 2012

16 SEP 12 -- Overhead Press

I took a couple of extra days off due to a sore wrist, a light injury which occurred at work. It's back to normal now.

Overhead press training max is 190 and it's 1+ day. Requisite warm up sets, then the working sets:

75% = 145 x 5
85% = 160 x 3
95% = 180 x 12

This was followed up with two singles at 205 and 225 lbs.

Assistance work:

Standing dumbbell press for 5 x 10 with the 50 lbs dumbbells.
Bodyweight dips 3 x 10.

I spent quite a bit of my rest periods coaching my son on squat form and on leg presses. I like having him there with me and he has taken to weight training with both ease and enjoyment.

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