Monday, 17 September 2012

17 SEP 12 -- Dead Lift

I wasn't feeling overly ambitious for this workout. Staying up till 3 a.m. then doing the workout at 10 a.m., I was in less than charged mode to begin. However, I did meet my rep goal for the day, and could have put out some more.

Dead lift training max is 415 lbs and it's 1+ day:

75% = 310 x 5
85% = 355 x 3
95% = 395 x 11

Assistance work:

Barbell shrugs 315 lbs for 3 x 10
Dumbbell rows 3 x 10 each side with the 105 lbs dumbbell.

That was a wrap. On a side note, I am amazed at how quickly this summer passed for me. Even this month is past the mark, and the leaves are already changed in colour. I love autumn and it is probably my favourite season, but at the rate that the months are rolling along, the snow will be flying any day now.

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