Monday, 24 September 2012

24 SEP 12 -- Staying With Requisite

I decided that for today's workout, dead lift 5+, I would stay with just the requisite number of reps, as per Wendler's suggestion. "Pick your battles", as he often asserts. He advises to go balls-out on the 3+ week, so I'll save the ball-busting for that set next week. The new training max is 425 lbs:

65% = 275 x 5
75% = 320 x 5
85% = 360 x 5

Accessory work:

Barbell shrugs 315 lbs for 12, 10, 10.
Dumbbell row with the 105 lbs dumbbell for 3 x 10 each side.

The latest focus has been on more dumbbell rows to gain pulling and lat strength. Twice a week, probably on dead lift and bench days, I'll make sure that I get at least 3 sets in on each day.  At some point, I would like to move into the so-called Kroc Rows, but for now, I am just adding rows, conditioning myself and building up the lats.

Focus for September and October:

Rows and Curls twice per week.
   -- Dumbbell rows on dead lift and bench press day.
   -- Hammer curls on mil press day and regular barbell curls on squat day.

Objective is to build pulling strength and to address strength imbalances.

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