Thursday, 20 September 2012

20 SEP 12 -- Deep and Heavy

Squat day, training max is 395 lbs, and it's 1+ cycle.

Requisite warm ups, including an initial set of 135 lbs, just to warm up the upper body and wrists, as well as stretching out.

Working sets:

75% = 295 x 5
85% = 335 x 3
95% = 375 x 8

I met my rep goal for the day, 8 reps, and was able to get the proper depth. Amazingly, no one else was in the gym this morning, making this workout extra enjoyable. Selfish, I love having the whole place to myself when I distractions or having to share the equipment.

For assistance, I went with Wendler's more recent advice of adding extra sets based on the ramping percentages. This meant going backward as follows:

335 x 3
295 x 5
295 x 5

That was it for squats. Each set was high quality and form perfect.

In most of my workouts over the past year, I have seriously neglected biceps curls. Wendler stresses that we throw these in, to achieve the whole body symmetry and balance needed for strength. Feeling like a beginner, I started light and worked out some sets of barbell curls, using the Olympic bar, not the EZ bar.

65 x 10
75 x 10
85 x 10
75 x 2 x 10

Going with the principle of always starting light, this will be the workout which sets things in motion for the biceps. I'll be throwing these in on squat day from now on.

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