Friday, 28 September 2012

27 SEP 12 -- Squat 345

I was up late again last night, missing out on some important sleep. I'll be working three 12-hour night shifts in a row, starting tonight,  so today's workout started first thing after getting the kids off to school. Lacking optimum conditions, I squeezed this one in, yet was still able to meet today's objective.

The new squat training max is 405 lbs, and it's 5+ day:

65% = 265 x 5
75% = 305 x 5
85% = 345 x 11

The rep target for today was eleven reps, so things are still chugging along.

Accessory work:

Returned to the 75% and 65% weights, respectively, and did 5 reps on each set. The focus was on going deep and maintaining good form. In between sets, I did 5 chin ups at at time, using bodyweight, for a total of 15 chin ups.

No barbell curls today. This was not due to being lazy or tired, but rather, I needed to get back to the house right away to see if my slow cooker was turned on. Before I left for the gym, I had put a beef roast in the crockpot, but after departing, I second-guessed myself as to whether I had turned the applicance on.  Happily, all was well when I returned home.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

26 SEP 12 -- When Not To Bench !

Just finished two twelve-hour day shifts. We're in the process of making a bunch of adjustments on the job and both days were very hectic and demanding. Nevertheless, I managed to squeeze in tonight's training session after work, and also, after a quick supper. I said it a few posts ago, do not work out on a full stomach, and I did not heed my own advice. Then again, I rarely do!

Bench training max is up to 310 lbs and it's 5+ day for benching. I know that my 1 rep max is way higher than this, but when I got back into the program in August, I went with what I was capable of doing at the time and starting with 90% of that. My strength is increasing very rapidly, but I will stay on course with what I am doing.

Warm ups, always starting with the empty bar, then the working sets:

65% = 200 x 5
75% = 235 x 5
85% = 265 x 15

I almost got 16 reps, but needed a spot at the 2/3 point where I steamed out. The rep target was 13 for tonight .

Accessory work:

Incline dumbbell press 5 x 10 with the 70 lbs. dumbbells.
DB rows 3 x 10 each side with the 105 lbs dumbbell.

Do not eat before training. Do not perform dumbbell rows on a full stomach, lol.

Monday, 24 September 2012

24 SEP 12 -- Staying With Requisite

I decided that for today's workout, dead lift 5+, I would stay with just the requisite number of reps, as per Wendler's suggestion. "Pick your battles", as he often asserts. He advises to go balls-out on the 3+ week, so I'll save the ball-busting for that set next week. The new training max is 425 lbs:

65% = 275 x 5
75% = 320 x 5
85% = 360 x 5

Accessory work:

Barbell shrugs 315 lbs for 12, 10, 10.
Dumbbell row with the 105 lbs dumbbell for 3 x 10 each side.

The latest focus has been on more dumbbell rows to gain pulling and lat strength. Twice a week, probably on dead lift and bench days, I'll make sure that I get at least 3 sets in on each day.  At some point, I would like to move into the so-called Kroc Rows, but for now, I am just adding rows, conditioning myself and building up the lats.

Focus for September and October:

Rows and Curls twice per week.
   -- Dumbbell rows on dead lift and bench press day.
   -- Hammer curls on mil press day and regular barbell curls on squat day.

Objective is to build pulling strength and to address strength imbalances.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

23 SEP 12 -- A New Cycle Begins

Started another cycle, with today being the overhead press portion of it. It was a 5+ workout, using a new training max of 195 lbs.

Warm ups, starting at the empty bar for 15 reps:

40%  = 80 x 5
50% = 100 x 5
60% = 120 x 3

Working sets:

65% = 125 x 5
75% = 145 x 5
85% = 165 x 16

In between coaching squat sets for my son, I worked on some assistance movements:

Standing dumbbell presses 50 lbs dumbbells for 5 x 10
Chin ups at bodyweight for 10, 6, 5
Hammer curls with the 40 lbs dumbbells for 3 x 10

I haven't been doing many chin ups lately, so I'll need to get these in more often, even if it just a few in between sets of pressing movements. Also, I should have stuck with the requisite number of "5" for the last working set at 85%, but I was too pumped to stop. I was listening to some Pantera on my MP3 player, and couldn't stop from going full throttle.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

20 SEP 12 -- Deep and Heavy

Squat day, training max is 395 lbs, and it's 1+ cycle.

Requisite warm ups, including an initial set of 135 lbs, just to warm up the upper body and wrists, as well as stretching out.

Working sets:

75% = 295 x 5
85% = 335 x 3
95% = 375 x 8

I met my rep goal for the day, 8 reps, and was able to get the proper depth. Amazingly, no one else was in the gym this morning, making this workout extra enjoyable. Selfish, I love having the whole place to myself when I distractions or having to share the equipment.

For assistance, I went with Wendler's more recent advice of adding extra sets based on the ramping percentages. This meant going backward as follows:

335 x 3
295 x 5
295 x 5

That was it for squats. Each set was high quality and form perfect.

In most of my workouts over the past year, I have seriously neglected biceps curls. Wendler stresses that we throw these in, to achieve the whole body symmetry and balance needed for strength. Feeling like a beginner, I started light and worked out some sets of barbell curls, using the Olympic bar, not the EZ bar.

65 x 10
75 x 10
85 x 10
75 x 2 x 10

Going with the principle of always starting light, this will be the workout which sets things in motion for the biceps. I'll be throwing these in on squat day from now on.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

19 SEP 12 -- Bench Press 1+ Day

Tonight's workout went very well.

Bench press training max is 305 lbs and it's 1+ day. Requisite warm ups, then followed by the heavy sets:

75% = 230 x 5
85% = 260 x 3
95% = 290 x 12

My goal was set for 10 reps, but each rep was going up so smooth and fast, that I was at twelve before I knew it.

Assistance work:

Incline DB Press 60 x 20, 15, 15
Dips at BW for 15, 10,  10
Dumbbell rows with the 105 lbs dumbbell for 3 x 10 each side.

We had pizza for dinner tonight, and doing those dumbbell rows, I was wondering if I was going to lose that dinner, lol. Note to self: wait an extra hour before working out after eating a big meal.

Monday, 17 September 2012

17 SEP 12 -- Dead Lift

I wasn't feeling overly ambitious for this workout. Staying up till 3 a.m. then doing the workout at 10 a.m., I was in less than charged mode to begin. However, I did meet my rep goal for the day, and could have put out some more.

Dead lift training max is 415 lbs and it's 1+ day:

75% = 310 x 5
85% = 355 x 3
95% = 395 x 11

Assistance work:

Barbell shrugs 315 lbs for 3 x 10
Dumbbell rows 3 x 10 each side with the 105 lbs dumbbell.

That was a wrap. On a side note, I am amazed at how quickly this summer passed for me. Even this month is past the mark, and the leaves are already changed in colour. I love autumn and it is probably my favourite season, but at the rate that the months are rolling along, the snow will be flying any day now.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

16 SEP 12 -- Overhead Press

I took a couple of extra days off due to a sore wrist, a light injury which occurred at work. It's back to normal now.

Overhead press training max is 190 and it's 1+ day. Requisite warm up sets, then the working sets:

75% = 145 x 5
85% = 160 x 3
95% = 180 x 12

This was followed up with two singles at 205 and 225 lbs.

Assistance work:

Standing dumbbell press for 5 x 10 with the 50 lbs dumbbells.
Bodyweight dips 3 x 10.

I spent quite a bit of my rest periods coaching my son on squat form and on leg presses. I like having him there with me and he has taken to weight training with both ease and enjoyment.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

12 SEP 12 -- Squatting on a Wednesday in September

Another great workout!

The squat training max is 395 lbs, and today's workout was formatted on the 3+.

Requisite warm up sets, including a warm up at 135 lbs, where I squat, hold in the depth position for a stretch, and then up again for 5 reps. After these, I hit the working sets:

80% = 315 x 3
85% = 335 x 3
90% = 355 x 11

I had my son checking my form on these and was happy to know that they were all ass to grass. 

3 singles at 385, 405 and 415 lbs.

Assistance work tonight was just squatting for 3 x 10 at 225 lbs.

I am on my days off now, having worked two twelve-hour night shifts, so I will be able to take lots of recovery to rebuild after these squats.

Monday, 10 September 2012

10 SEP 12-- Bench 275 x 12

I have an addiction. It's not a bad addiction, but it is certainly time-consuming. I love playing computer chess. Chess is a game which I have been playing since I was 9 years old, having been introduced to it by my dad. Watching him play a game against my oldest sister one day, I decided then and there that I too was going to learn this fascinating boardgame. I've been hooked ever since. While no Bobby Fischer, I can be a tough opponent, and I have learned from every game that I have played, win or lose. As a history buff, another aspect of the game which appeals to me is its origins. Chess is an ancient game, going even beyond medieval times, supposedly back to the Persians, from which the game derives its name (Chess = shah = king). Many peoples have played this game throughout history, both European and Asian.

It was on account of this addiction that I never got to bed till midnight. Deprived of sleep due to my chess gaming, I was feeling stale for the first part of the workout today. Mind you, it was a good workout, but recovery and sleep go hand-in-hand, so I need to focus more on this aspect.

Bench training max is 305 lbs and it is 3+ day.

80% = 245 x 3
85% = 260 x 3
90% = 275 x 12

The rep goal for today was twelve, and I was able to meet it despite how I was feeling. According to the one- rep max calculator, that puts the bench at around 380 or so.

Three singles at 305, 315, and 325.

Assistance work:

Incline dumbbell press 50 lbs dumbbells for 3 x 15 and one final set of 20.
Single dumbbell rows 100 lbs dumbbell for 3 x 10 each side.

I was going to do 5 x 10 on the rows, but the gym was starting to fill up this morning and I just felt like ending things on that account. Trying to do a hard-core workout while seeing a guy doing sit ups on a Pilates ball in the squat rack is just a little too much some days :(

Sunday, 9 September 2012

09 SEP 12 -- Deadly Sunday

I just finished working a stint of two twelve-hour night shifts. After waking up this afternoon, I made my way to the gym for a 3+ dead lift session. Although the weather is sort of the pits, overcast and rainy, I was still in a great mood and felt ready to accomplish the workout ahead.

Training max is 415 lbs.

After the warm up sets, I trained 80, 85 and 90% of the set max:

330 x 3
355 x 3
375 x 15

The rep goal was to do twelve, but the deads were going up crisp and fast, and I had the energy to crack off 3 more. Again, the energy was present to do one or two more, but following Wendler's advice, I stayed short of failure.

Assistance work was barbell shrugs for traps and grip:

275 x 20
285 x 10
300 x 10

Incline bodyweight sit ups, with the board on a steep incline: 15, 15, 10

That was a wrap. Tomorrow it's bench and I need some rest, not only from my night shifts, but also to build energy to work through the session ahead.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Reach for the Stars

07 SEP 12

Overhead presses on 3+ week, with the training max set at 190 lbs.

Requisite warm up sets, always beginning with the empty bar for 15 reps, then 40, 50 and 60% of the training max, followed by the working sets of 80, 85 and 90%.

150 x 3
160 x 3
170 x 15

Things were feeling good on that last set, and my goal had been set at 12 reps, but I kept going. I still had enough gas for one more, but stayed "in the tank". After a bit of rest, I followed up with four singles:

185 x 1
200 x 1
210 x 1
225 x 1

Assistance work today was just pressing 115 lbs for 5 x 10, according to Jim Wendler's BBB template.

I work twelve-hours tonight, so I might throw some chin ups in while at work. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

05 SEP 12 -- Squat

5+ day for squats.

After the usual warm up sets, I worked off my new training max of 395 lbs:

65% = 255 x 5
75% = 295 x 5
85% = 345 x 12

The last set was supposed to have been 335 lbs, but there was another member using the leg press machine and he took a bunch of the plates I would have been using. As a result, I added a little more based on the plates available and said to hell with it. It was a good set, nice and deep, and I put everything I had into that set.

Assistance work was simply one set of leg press with 720 lbs x 10 reps, and leg curl with 110 x 15 reps. I did the assistance work almost immediately after the final set of squats, resulting in a very good pulse raising workout.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

04 SEP 12 -- Progress on the Bench

Tonight's benching went very well. Although Wendler advises to stay closer to, or even at, the requisite number on 5+ week, I went all-out tonight, surpassing my reps goal and gaining satisfaction on some progress.

Requisite warm up sets, then 65, 75, and 85% respectively:

200 x 5
230 x 5
260 x 14

Did some assistance work with incline dumbbell press, flyes, dips and also threw in some triceps rope presses. After working a twelve-hour shift, it was about all I could handle ;)

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Back of the Back

I missed out on the rows and chins yesterday, having been tired from night shift. My son wanted to train today, so while he worked on squats, benching and shrugs, I coached him with some pointers on form and gave him some spots and cheers while he benched. The kid is getting stronger already. I managed to fit this mini-workout in between coaching him:

Chins BW x 10, 6, 6, and 8
Dumbbell rows 95 for 2 x 10 each side, then 100 for 3 x 10 each side.

Concluded with a fresh-air enhanced car ride back home :) The sun is shining nice and bright today.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Dead Lift September

There's no better way to ring in the new month than with a set of dead lifts.

My updated working max for the dead lift is 415 lbs. Training the 5+ lifts, I sluggishly made my way through the warm up sets (I worked a twelve-hour night shift, slept a few hours, then hit the gym), then dove into the working sets, 65, 75 and 85%:

270 x 5
310 x 5
355 x 15

My rep goal was 13 reps, but I decided to go a little further and see if I could get a full 15. That set felt great, and I think I could've added two more reps on red line effort.

Assistance work today was a combination of "I'm-not-doing-Jack-Shit" and "Let's train the grip and the traps". No accessory dead lifting, chin ups or rows, but I went at barbell shrugs to strengthen the traps and grip.

225 x 30
245 x 10
265 x 10
285 x 10

Finished up with two sets of 15 incline sit ups, and then made my way for home.