Monday, 1 October 2012


01 OCT 12 -- Overhead Press

I love October. The leaves on the trees are absolutely spectacular right now, the result of a hotter than usual summer. The past few days have seen some excellent weather, and although I worked twelve-hour night shifts all weekend, I felt pumped for tonight's workout.

Overhead training max is 195 lbs and it's 3+ day:

80% = 155 x 3
85% = 165 x 3
90% = 175 x 16

I think I could have squeezed. literally, one more rep, but those sixteen reps were all-out. I exceeded the rep target by 4 reps.

Assistance work consisted of three singles: 190, 205 and then 225.

Standing dumbbell press 50 lbs for 5 x 10.
Hammer curls: 40 lbs x 10, 10, 45 x 8, 50 x 6, and 55 x 6.

I missed barbell curls last week, but was still able to do 20-30 bodyweight chin ups at work over each night, using both overhand and underhand grips on a length of conduit on a ceiling. That should count for some bicep work.

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