Sunday, 7 October 2012

Canadian Thanksgiving

The gym is closed tomorrow (it's Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow), so I made sure that I got my workout in today. Overhead press day, with the training max set at 195 lbs, and it's the 1+ workout.

Requisite warm ups, then:

75% = 145 x 5
85% = 165 x 3
95% = 185 x 12

I was able to exceed my rep target by 2 reps.

Singles followed, ramping up to assess where I am at with this:

205 x 1
230 x 1
235 x 1

It was evident on the last single that I had even more in me, and I think that 245 would have been feasible. I will wait for the completion of the next cycle before testing again.

Assistance work for today:

Standing dumbbell press 5 x 10 with the 50 pounders, supersetted with:
Bodyweight chin ups 4 x 6

That is a great combination. Chin ups seem to be like mashed potatoes, complementing any sort of meat dinner you happen to be eating, whether it be chicken, steak or pork. I mixed them in to achieve some counterbalance with the pressing, but I have even mixed them in with squats too at times. It's just a great exercise.

Finished up with 3 x 10 hammer curls using the 40 pounders.

Tonight, it will be roast turkey, mashed potatoes blended with mashed yams, fried green beans, squash, gravy, salad, and a dessert of pumpkin pie. After this workout session, I now have an excuse to go up for seconds!

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