Saturday, 6 October 2012

06 OCT 12 -- Squat!

Today's squat training max is 405 lbs and it was a 3+ session.

Requisite warm ups, beginning with 135 lbs and then working up through the 40, 50 and 60% sets. Working sets went as follows:

80% = 325 x 3
85% = 345 x 3
90% = 365 x 9

All were nice and deep and smooth. This is the week to assess where I am with the squat singles, so I popped off three to see what I can handle now:

405 x 1, 415 x 1, 425 x 1

Those felt very manageable. I will assess where I am again on the next cycle. Once per cycle should be plenty of assessment, and also, not to do so too frequently.

Back off sets, to gain some extra work and practice form on deep, heavy squatting. I used the ramping sets and just went backwards:

85% = 345 x 3 then,
80% = 325 x 3

That was it for the squatting.

Barbell curls 85 x 2 x 10, 95 x 2 x 6, 100 x 6.

I noticed in my logbook that I missed rows this week. I'll make sure I get back into those next week, maybe throwing in an extra set to make up for it.

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