Thursday, 4 October 2012

04 OCT 12 -- Bench in Progress

After working a twelve-hour day shift, it's often an interior struggle to get down to the gym for a big workout. However, I was excited at the prospect of seeing what I would be able to hit on my bench press tonight, so I hurriedly got myself ready and made my way to the club with my son.

Bench training max is 310 lbs and it's 3+ day:

80% = 250 x 3
85% = 265x 3
90% = 280 x 13

In my logbook, where I make the sets' calculations prior to the workout, I penned in 14 reps for tonight's rep target. If I had been fresher, I am sure I would have been able to hit this, as I almost did complete a fourteenth (my son, who was spotting me, had to give some assistance at the 2/3rds point).  Yet, working for a living and putting in a long day, one needs to be realistic as to what the target should actually be. Using the 1 RM calculation factor, the ballpark 1 RM is 401 lbs. I am definitely getting stronger.

I wanted to train some singles afterward to assess where I am with these now:

315 x 1
325 x 1
335 x 1
345 x 1

Those were all good reps, smooth and fast with no problems or sticking.

Assistance work tonight was simply incline dumbbell press:

65 x 20, 15 15
70 x 10

That was enough training for tonight. I have to be up by 04:00 to begin a fourteen-hour shift to provide two hours of relief coverage for a co-worker. Therefore, it's nighty-night for me.

Squats scheduled for Saturday....see you then!

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