Monday, 27 June 2011

My Strength Goals

I should introduce you to my goals for the year 2011.

I established these goals at the beginning of this year, on January 9th. I believe they are reasonable based on current strength levels. Here they are:

Bench Press --> 400 lbs
Overhead Press --> 275 lbs
Squat --> 500 lbs
Dead Lift --> 600 lbs
Bodyweight Chin Ups --> 20 reps nonstop

These are the goals I am constantly training for, striving for, being of the mind that once I reach them, I just might be able to say at the end of my life that I was a strong bastard, lol. When I first got into heavy lifting, I wanted to get a 300 lbs bench press. I remembered how I was able to do a single bench press rep of 285 lbs in my last year of high school. So one day, years after high school, I looked back and thought, why not try to get a 300 bench? Now that I have reached that goal ( I can bench 300 lbs for 10 reps), I want to go further and get a 400 bench. When I achieve that goal, I know that I'll be eyeing 450 lbs. It's a numbers game, much like the process of capturing wealth. Every workout is like an investment.

Powerlifters and the filthy rich have a lot in common ;)

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