Monday, 27 June 2011

27 JUN 11 -- Overhead Press 3x5

Day One of the next 3x5 week.

Overhead press training max: 230 lbs.
Warm Up Sets:
45 lbs x 15 reps
90 lbs x 5 reps
115 lbs x 5 reps
140 lbs x 3 reps

Working Sets:
150 x 5 reps
175 x 5 reps
195 x 5 reps

I could easily do more for the last set, but this week, Wendler recommends sticking with only the requisite number of reps, so I am going to go with his plan.

Assistance Work:

Supersetted standing dumbell presses (5 x 10 at 55 lbs each) with bodyweight chin ups. The chin up reps looked like this: 12, 8, 7, then 5. These I followed with bodyweight dips supersetted with more chin ups. Dips were 15, 10, 10 and chin ups were 5, 5, 5. I did one extra set of chin ups culminating with 6 reps. Total chin ups were 53. Wendler recommends getting 50 chin ups if you are working with bodyweight. I would like to do weighted chin ups but the gym I am training at doesn't have a weight harness for either chin ups or dips. Oh well, the extra reps are good for hypertrophy and probably easier on the joints. I am thinking of making it a plan to do a total of 100 chin ups per week. Wendler is very adamant on incorporating lots of chins, being of the opinion that every pressing set that one does should be matched with a pulling set. Makes sense to me.

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