Wednesday, 29 August 2012

29 AUG 12 -- Squat

5/3/1 part of the wave concludes with a final squat workout.

Working max is 385 lbs, and after the requisite warm up sets, it was 75%, 85%, and 95% respectively:

290 x 5
330 x 3
365 x 8

I went to the gym after working a twelve-hour shift, but was still able to meet my rep goal for this workout, so I was very satisfied. I added two singles:

405 x 1
410 x 1

During the workout, I kept watching over my son. It was his third time at the gym, so I was supervising him between sets, making sure he doing his movements properly. Along with that, I also got pulled into a conversation about a local controversy in the area I live in, but was still able to do some accessory squatting:

225 lbs for 5 x 8

I focused on low squatting during these accessory sets, ass to grass, and trying to keep perfect form. Staying at 8 reps, everything felt good. Next workout, it will be 5 x 10.

When the new wave commences, I'll be adding 10 lbs to my working max, for a new max of 395 lbs. Things are feeling good, my strength is returning, and I am confident that after a few waves, the ball will be rolling along again as before.

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